Netanyahu’s last battle promises no victory, just slaughter in Rafah

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

The Palestinian city of Rafah is not only older than Israel, it is also as old as civilisation itself. Rafah has existed for thousands of years. The Canaanites referred to it as Rafia, and Rafia has been almost always there, guarding the southern frontiers of Palestine, ancient and modern.

India is the epicentre of hate and misinformation against Palestinians

by Mohammad Asif Khan

In the wee hours of 7 October, 2023, Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance group based in Gaza, launched a surprise attack on Israel, code named operation Al-Aqsa flood; it started firing rockets and sending gunmen across the border, who took hostages. The Israeli military has responded with heavy airstrikes and a ground invasion of Gaza in the counter operation.

Why do descendants of Jews humiliated by Nazis now humiliate Palestinians?

by Faruk Vele

Humiliation is one of the most powerful human emotions, causing intense feelings of shame in the victim. To humiliate someone means to violate their dignity by disregarding their basic human rights. That’s how the Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust at the Holocaust Museum in Washington describes the public humiliation of Jews in Nazi Europe.

While the focus is on Gaza, Jewish settler violence escalates in the occupied West Bank

by Mucahit Aydemir

The relatives of Ahmed Dawabsheh, a Palestinian boy whose mother, father and 18-month-old baby brother were burned to death by illegal Jewish settlers in 2015, describe the escalating Jewish settler violence in the occupied West Bank as like “living in a ring of fire” At a time when all eyes are on Gaza, Israeli army violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and violence by Jewish settlers are both escalating.

US military support to Israel: What and how?

by Anadolu Agency

With the Israel-Hamas conflict nearing its third week, the US has taken a clear stand as a steadfast ally of Israel, offering both political and military support.

It has played the same tune as Israel when it comes to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which has been pummelled by Israeli bombs that have now killed more than 7,000 Palestinians, including over 2,900 children and more than 1,700 women.

Gaza Hospital massacre and the marketing of Israeli lies

by Jamal Kanj

A blast killed more than 500 civilians in the “safe” yard of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital. Within a few hours, the Israeli army concluded it was a misfired Palestinian rocket. US President, Joe Biden, soon after his arrival in Tel Aviv, adopted the Israeli story blaming “the other side” for the explosion.

The most dangerous man in the world is enabled by hypocrites in the West

by Yvonne Ridley

He is the most dangerous leader in the world today. An unhinged psychopath in charge of nuclear weapons who has spent a lifetime dehumanising his enemy, and dismissing them and their children as animals. Instead of being condemned by the so-called civilised world, however, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being supported and defended even though — or perhaps because — he is committing war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Lessons from resistance history far and near: Hamas and the unthinkable

by Dr Mustafa Fetouri

Apartheid Israel has lots of soul searching and thinking to do as it tries to figure out how Hamas could have mastered such an attack on Palestinian land, occupied since 1948. How could such an organisation in the Gaza Strip enclave, under complete siege since 2007, prepare itself and launch its operation, codenamed, “Toofan Al-Aqsa” (Al-Aqsa Flood), on such a scale and ferocity never seen before.

Oslo Accords: ‘the big illusion and the false dream’

by Dr Mohammad Makram Balawi

Every time the anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords between the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Israeli occupation – officially known as the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, on 13 September, 1993 – is mentioned, the historical and political context in which the agreement was signed is ignored.

China looks set to derail American hegemony

by Yvonne Ridley

Like quite a few of its presidential candidates and politicians, there is something decrepit and decaying about the American Empire that reflects its position in the world today. An old Scots term — a “shoogly peg” — just about sums up the terminal decline, precarious position and lack of credibility of the US and its allies perfectly.

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