Forcing "America First" on others will lead to "America Alone"

by Xinhua writer Bai Xu

CANBERRA, May 31 (Xinhua) -- The ancient Chinese philosophical sage Mencius once said: "A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little."

The ancient Chinese aphorism came true when the isolated villainous king in William Shakespeare's play Richard III shouted "my kingdom for a horse," only to meet his doom at last.

Apparently, the East and the West, despite their cultural differences, share some similar cautionary tales against the danger of isolation.

6 months later, gene-edited babies stir new interest, debate


Six months after a Chinese scientist was widely scorned for helping to make the world’s first gene-edited babies, he remains out of public view, and new information suggests that others may be interested in pursuing the same kind of work outside the United States.

A fertility clinic in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai emailed scientist He Jiankui to seek training in gene editing, Stanford University bioethicist Dr. William Hurlbut said ahead of a speech Tuesday at the World Science Festival in New York.

The Iran War: Consequences for US regional allies

by Maysam Behravesh

Although neither the United States nor Iran want war, tensions and along with them the likelihood of conflict-triggering miscalculations and accidents, have been running high since the Trump administration designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organisation and revoked sanctions waivers for buyers of Iranian oil.

India should cut interest rates to help exporters take advantage of US-China trade war

By K J M Varma

Beijing, May 25 (PTI) India should cut interest rates further and adopt consistent policies for the export of agricultural produce to enable Indian exporters to take advantage of the current US-China trade war, industry body Ficci's President Sandip Somany said Saturday.

History will prove Merkel right on refugees: EU's Juncker

by Nicole Goebel

Angela Merkel was right to take in nearly 1 million refugees in 2015, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in an interview. He also revealed how he got Donald Trump to kiss him.

Jean-Claude Juncker has praised Angela Merkel for her controversial decision to let in nearly 1 million refugees in the autumn of 2015.

The US will proudly go to war with Iran for Saudi oil

by Ryan Fahey

22 May 2019; MEMO: Since coming to office, US President Donald Trump has grabbed headlines for his loud declarations; that he called the Saudi king and demanded more “protection money”, that he has demanded oil producing countries increase supplies and reduce costs, and most recently that Iran must buckle under the pressure of his sanctions and agree to new terms to end the blockade.

Trade with China key to U.S. port businesses

NEW ORLEANS, the United States, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese trading partners are vital to the development of U.S. port businesses and long-term U.S.-China collaboration is mutually beneficial, a senior U.S. port official has said.

"China is a very important trading partner. We shipped about 12 million tons of cargo to China last year. That's not a small amount," said Paul Aucoin, executive director of the Port of South Louisiana, the largest tonnage port in the United States, during a recent interview with Xinhua.

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