
Ex-rebel emerges as favorite in Colombian presidential race

FUSAGASUGA, Colombia (AP) — Flanked by bodyguards with bulletproof shields, Gustavo Petro stood on a stage and lashed out at Colombia’s political elite in a speech to the residents of Fusagasuga, a rural town where farmers are struggling.

The leftist presidential candidate spoke of the need to protect local farmers from heavily subsidized foreign competitors. In the crowded public square, supporters waving the flags of opposition parties cheered when Petro promised to oust a political class that “prefers to work with criminals.”

Colombian drug cartel declares 4-day travel ban over leader’s extradition to US

BOGOTA, May 6 (NNN-EFE) — Colombia’s main criminal organization, the Clan del Golfo (Gulf Clan), on Thursday began a four-day “armed strike” in several provinces in protest over the extradition to the United States of its top leader, Dairo Antonio Usuga David, alias Otoniel, while police and the military are implementing a special security plan.

Colombia's Liberal Party backs center-right Gutierrez for president

BOGOTA, April 27 (Reuters) - Colombia's Liberal Party, which won more seats than any other in the lower house and the third most seats in the Senate in recent legislative elections, on Wednesday threw its weight behind center-right presidential candidate Federico Gutierrez.

Party alliances could help push candidates over the line in the May 29 contest and are likely to affect the eventual winner's ability to push through legislation when their term starts in August.

Colombia: Pres Duque opens gene bank for long-term crop conservation

BOGOTA, March 16 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Colombia’s President Ivan Duque inaugurated the world’s largest genetic library for beans, cassava and tropical forages for feeding livestock, which will provide long-term crop conservation and could help shock-proof global food systems.

Increasing demand for food and falling crop output amid climate change mean researchers must breed new plant varieties to withstand the twin impacts of rising temperature and extreme weather events, according to the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

USA: Colombians vote in presidential primaries, legislative contest

BOGOTA, March 13 (Reuters) - Colombians were voting on Sunday to elect members of congress and participate in one of three presidential primaries for candidates from right, left and centrist coalitions.

Seats in the country's legislature of 108 senators and 187 lower house representatives have in recent elections been won by myriad parties, forcing presidents to build big tent coalitions in order to pass legislation.

Colombia eyes 200 tonnes of galleon gold

BOGOTA, Feb 11 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Colombia took a step toward recovering a long-lost Spanish wreck and its fabled riches, but it may be a rough ride as Spain and native Bolivians have also staked claims on the booty.

Long the daydream of treasure hunters worldwide, the wreck of the San Jose galleon was first located off Columbia’s coast in 2015, but has been left untouched as the government determines rules for its recovery.

Colombia: Bomb attack against the Army leaves 2 dead, 5 injured

BOGOTA, Feb 11 (NNN-TELESUR) — Two people died and five others were injured due to a car bomb attack against the Colombian Army 21st Infantry Battalion in the Meta department.

The fatal victims are a motorcyclist who was passing by and Yover Rojas, a soldier who tried to prevent the entrance of the bomb car to the battalion’s facilities in the Wednesday attack.

Colombia launches new stage of Operation Artemisa to protect from illegal fishing

BOGOTA, Jan 25 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Colombian President Iván Duque announced the extension of Operation Artemisa, a scheme devised to protect Colombian seas from illegal fishing while standing up for biodiversity in national waters.

Duque launched the commencement of a new phase of Operation Artemisa during a visit to the Gorgona Natural Park on the Colombian Pacific shore. The new stage will be focused biodiversity and the threats posed to it by poachers.

First Colombian with non-terminal illness dies legally by euthanasia

BOGOTA, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Colombian Victor Escobar became the first person in the Andean country with a non-terminal illness to die by legally regulated euthanasia late on Friday, his lawyer Luis Giraldo confirmed.

"We reached the goal for patients like me, who aren't terminal but degenerative, to win this battle, a battle that opens the doors for the other patients who come after me and who right now want a dignified death," Escobar, 60 said in a video message sent to media by Giraldo.

Two Policemen, One Civilian Killed In Explosions At Colombian Airport

BOGOTA, Dec 15 (NNN-XINHUA) – At least three people were killed, including two policemen and a civilian, when two explosive devices detonated at the Cucuta international airport, in north-eastern Colombia, Defence Minister, Diego Molano, confirmed yesterday.

The official explained that the first device exploded on a civilian and minutes later, two police officers died, while trying to deactivate another explosive device.

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