
Business & Economy

Turkiye's Prez Erdogan heads to Saudi Arabia for talks

17 July 2023; MEMO: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today embarked on a visit to Saudi Arabia to enhance relations with the Gulf kingdom.

Erdogan will be welcomed by Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulaziz with an official ceremony in Jeddah city.

They will hold one-on-one talks, followed by inter-delegation meetings.

Bilateral relations, regional and international issues will be on the agenda.

UAE, Japan ink 23 agreements to boost trade cooperation

17 July 2023; MEMO: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Japan on Monday signed 23 agreements and memoranda of understanding to enhance their bilateral trade and investment.

This came during Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida's visit to the Gulf nation on Monday.

Kishida met with UAE President, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan in Abu Dhabi, where both leaders underscored the strength of relations between the two countries, the UAE state news agency, WAM, reported.

Turkey increases fuel tax as it bolsters stretched budget

16 July 2023; MEMO: Turkey raised tax on petrol on Sunday to help to fund a 1.12 trillion lira ($42.2 billion) increase to its 2023 budget after February's earthquakes and the May presidential election sent spending soaring.

The additional fuel tax will help with a budget deficit that jumped to 263.6 billion lira in the first five months of the year, up from 124.6 billion lira a year earlier, but it could also stoke inflation that had declined to 38.21% in June from a 24-year high of 85.51% last October.

Four groups bid in latest Israel offshore gas exploration tender

17 July 2023; MEMO: Four groups of companies have made bids in Israel's latest tender for offshore hydrocarbon exploration, the Energy Ministry said on Sunday, reports Reuters.

The ministry said the groups include a total of nine companies, five of which were new to the Israeli market. It did not name which companies took part.

India, UAE agree to ditch US Dollar and use local currencies in bilateral trade

17 July 2023; MEMO: India and the UAE have signed an agreement to start using a rupee-dirham payment mechanism to settle cross-border trade, following Prime Minister Narenda Modi's visit to Abu Dhabi yesterday. An agreement was also signed to link their fast payment systems, namely the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) of India with the Instant Payment Platform (IPP) of the UAE.

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