
Venezuela’s President Maduro vows to make historic Iran visit

02 June 2020; MEMO: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced yesterday his intention to make an official visit to Iran soon to sign a number of cooperation agreements, including those related to energy and defence.

“I am obliged to go to personally thank the people,” Maduro said in a state television address, reported Reuters.

Iranian fuel reaches Venezuelan stations as prices set to rise

CARACAS/MARACAY, Venezuela (Reuters) - Fuel shipped from Iran began arriving at Venezuela’s gasoline stations on Saturday, just hours before President Nicolas Maduro announced higher prices at the pump that are set to end more than two decades of almost-free gasoline.

As authorities in the country with the world’s cheapest gasoline got ready to expand retail sales under a system combining subsidies and international prices, the fifth cargo of an Iranian flotilla approached the Caribbean Sea and is expected to reach Venezuelan waters on Sunday, according to Refinitiv Eikon.

Third Iran oil tanker arrives in Venezuela despite US threats

28 May 2020; MEMO: The third Iranian oil tanker carrying gasoline and oil products arrived on Tuesday safely in Venezuela despite the United States’ threats to prevent the delivery.

Venezuela announced that Petunia entered its exclusive economic zone following the same route as the Fortune, which arrived earlier in the day, and the Forest, which was the first to arrive at the oil terminal.

Venezuela confirms Guaido rival as parliament speaker

CARACAS, May 27 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Venezuela’s Supreme Court approved opposition member Luis Parra as parliament speaker after a tense, months-long stand-off with opposition leader Juan Guaido, who also claims the role.

The court, made up of loyalists to President Nicolas Maduro, declared Parra’s claim “valid,” it said in a statement. Guaido has dismissed Parra as “an accomplice to dictatorship.”

The National Assembly parliament is the only Venezuelan branch of government in opposition hands.

Venezuela’s apparent respite from COVID-19 may not last long

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Defying dire predictions, Venezuela so far seems to have avoided the coronavirus wave striking much of South America.

But experts warn that while the virus may have been slow to spread here, due in large part to Venezuela’s isolation, the number of daily illnesses could soon climb high enough to severely test the country’s already dilapidated health system.

Iranian oil tanker berthed at Venezuela’s port ignoring US warnings

TEHRAN, May 25 (IRNA-NNN) — The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported that the first of five Iranian oil tankers headed to Venezuela has berthed at the country’s port ignoring US warnings.

Quoting TankerTrackers tweet, IRNA said the Iranian oil tanker had loaded 43 million liters of gasoline from southern Iranian port of Shahid Rajaei in mid-March.

So far there has been no indication of any interference from the US on the fuel delivery. The remaining vessels are expected to arrive Venezuela in the next few days.

Iranian fuel starts arriving in Venezuelan waters despite U.S. warning

CARACAS (Reuters) - The first of five Iranian tankers carrying fuel for gasoline-starved Venezuela entered the South American country’s exclusive economic zone on Saturday, despite a U.S. official’s warning that Washington was considering a response to the shipment.

The tanker, named Fortune, reached the country’s waters at around 7:40 p.m. local time (1140 GMT) after passing north of the neighboring dual-island Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago, according to vessel tracking data from Refinitiv Eikon.

Venezuela’s military to escort Iranian tankers bringing petrol

CARACAS, May 22 (NNN-AGENCIES) —The Venezuelan military will escort Iranian tankers delivering much-needed petrol to the country to prevent any attempt by the US to stop them.

Five vessels are on the high seas and are due to arrive in the coming days.

Venezuela’s defence minister said they would be “welcomed” into its exclusive economic zone, which extends 370km from its shores.

The US, which has imposed sanctions on Venezuela and Iran, is reportedly considering steps to deter shipments.

Venezuela: Two Guaido advisors resign, accused by government of links to failed ‘invasion’

CARACAS, May 13 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Two advisors to Venezuela’s opposition leader Juan Guaido resigned after being accused by the government of President Nicolas Maduro of links to a botched “invasion” by mercenaries.

“The political strategist Juan Jose Rendon and deputy Sergio Vergara presented their resignations” to Guaido’s team, its press office said in a statement.

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