
UN rights expert urges sanctions on Myanmar’s oil, gas sectors

GENEVA, July 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A United Nations human rights investigator called on countries to impose economic sanctions on Myanmar’s oil and gas sector to cripple the junta that took power five months ago.

Myanmar has been in crisis since the military ousted Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government on Feb 1, unleashing nationwide anger that quickly turned into protests and strikes brutally suppressed by security forces, with nearly 900 killed.

WHO warns Coronavirus rising in eastern Mediterranean region

Beirut, Jul 7 (AP-PTI) Coronavirus infections have been on the rise in the 22 countries of the eastern Mediterranean region after two months of steady decline because of increased international travel, low protection and limited vaccination, World Health Organization officials said Wednesday.

The region, which includes the Gulf, North African and Asian countries, has registered over 11 million infections and over 220,000 deaths since last year. Iran has been the worst impacted by the pandemic, followed by Iraq.

Covid-19: WHO’s Covid weapons fight still $16.8 bn short

GENEVA, July 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The World Health Organization’s global appeal for funding for coronavirus vaccines, treatments, diagnostics and equipment is still $16.8-billion short — almost half its total needs, the WHO said.

   The funding shortfall comes amid a widening gap between rich and poor nations in their ability to fight the pandemic, with access to vaccines woefully uneven.

   WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, sounding an alarm on the gap in access to resources, warned that the pandemic remained in a “very dangerous phase” more than 18 months in.

UN rights chief urges ASEAN to move on Myanmar dialogue

GENEVA, July 7 (Reuters) - The United Nations top human rights official called on ASEAN countries on Wednesday to launch a political dialogue with the military junta and the democratically-elected leadership in Myanmar, with support from the international community.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) bloc agreed a five-point consensus in April, "but unfortunately the Myanmar military leadership have shown little sign of abiding by it", Michelle Bachelet told the U.N. Human Rights Council.

U.N. envoy tells Belarus to free political prisoners as U.S hints at sanctions

GENEVA, July 5 (Reuters) - The U.N. Special Rapporteur told Belarus on Monday to immediately free some 530 jailed people whom rights groups consider "political prisoners" as Washington's envoy hinted at the possibility of further economic sanctions against Minsk.

Belarusian authorities have cracked down hard after massive anti-government protests erupted last summer over voter fraud allegations at an election that handed Alexander Lukashenko a new term as president. He denies wrongdoing.

Indian Delta variant is dangerous, continuing to evolve and mutate: WHO chief

United Nations/Geneva, Jul 3 (PTI) The world is in a very "dangerous period" of the COVID-19 pandemic compounded by more transmissible variants like Delta, which is continuing to evolve and mutate, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has warned.

He said in countries with low vaccination coverage, terrible scenes of hospitals overflowing are again becoming the norm.

Libya talks on national elections end without reaching agreement

GENEVA, July 2 (Xinhua) -- The latest session of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) aiming at paving the way for the scheduled national elections concluded in Switzerland Friday without reaching an agreement.

Raisedon Zenenga, Assistant UN Secretary-General and Coordinator of UN Support Mission in Libya, said in his closing remarks that it is regrettable the meeting has not succeeded in reaching an agreement.

WHO decision challenges West to recognize Chinese vaccines

GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization said Thursday that any COVID-19 vaccines it has authorized for emergency use should be recognized by countries as they open up their borders to inoculated travelers.

The move could challenge Western countries to broaden their acceptance of two apparently less effective Chinese vaccines, which the U.N. health agency has licensed but most European and North American countries have not.

WHO congratulates China for getting malaria-free certificates

GENEVA, July 1 (NNN-AGENCIES) — China was certified as malaria-free on Wednesday by the World Health Organization, following a 70-year effort to eradicate the mosquito-borne disease.

The country reported 30 million cases of the infectious disease annually in the 1940s but has now gone four consecutive years without an indigenous case.

“We congratulate the people of China on ridding the country of malaria,” said WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

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