New York

Rami Malek: Working with Bryan Singer was ‘not pleasant’

NEW YORK (AP) — Rami Malek says working with director Bryan Singer before Singer was fired from “Bohemian Rhapsody” was “not pleasant.”

The actor, nominated for his Freddie Mercury on the Queen biopic, said Friday at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival: “In my situation with Bryan, it was not pleasant, not at all. And that’s about what I can say about it at this point.”

The film earned five Academy Award nominations, including Malek’s best actor nod.

UN Declines Guaido, Favors Discourse With Maduro Gov't

UN; 3 Feb 2018; GANASHAKTI: The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recognized, Friday, the representation of the Venezuelan Government - led by its Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza - while rejecting the interests of deputy of the National Assembly (AN), Juan Guaido, who unconstitutionally proclaimed himself "president in charge" on Jan. 23.

Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman for the UN secretary-general, confirmed that Guterres responded to a letter, which was sent by Juan Guaido asking the agency to send humanitarian aid to Venezuela.

UN Security Council renews sanctions against Central African Republic

UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- The Security Council on Thursday adopted a resolution to extend sanctions against the Central African Republic (CAR) for another year.

Resolution 2454, adopted unanimously by the 15-member council, decides to renew the sanctions regime -- an arms embargo, travel ban and asset freeze -- till Jan. 31, 2020.

It also decides to extend the mandate of the panel of experts, which helps the Security Council with the implementation of the sanctions, till Feb. 29, 2020.

Russia slams attempts to push Venezuelans into abyss of deadly strife

THE UNITED NATIONS, January 26. /TASS/. Russia firmly condemns attempts to push Venezuela into an abyss of a deadly civil war, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said at a UN Security Council emergency meeting on Venezuela on Saturday.

"We vehemently condemn those who are pushing Venezuelan society into an abyss of a deadly strife," he said. "The United States is depicting a picture of confrontation between ‘Maduro’s regime’ and the Venezuelans.

Russian envoy explains why Security Council failed to agree joint statement of Venezuela

THE UNITED NATIONS, January 26. /TASS/. The UN Security Council (UNSC) failed to agree upon a joint statement on Venezuela because of the contentious position of the United States, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said at the UNSC meeting on the situation in Venezuela.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Russia for blocking the joint statement of UNSC.

UN debates impact of climate change, urges action

UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Security Council on Friday held an open debate to discuss the impact of climate change on peace and security, while calling for action to diminish the effects of global warming.

"The risks associated with climate-related disasters do not represent a scenario of some distant future. They are already a reality today for millions of people around the globe," Rosemary DiCarlo, UN's political affairs chief, told the debate.

Bryan Singer faces allegations of sexual assault with minors

NEW YORK (AP) — Bryan Singer, the director of the Oscar-nominated “Bohemian Rhapsody,” has been accused of sexually assaulting minors in an expose published by the Atlantic.

The Atlantic on Wednesday published a lengthy article based on a 12-month investigation. It details the stories of four alleged victims who said they were seduced and molested by the “Bohemian Rhapsody” director while underage. Three of the men spoke on the condition of anonymity. Victor Valdovinos said he was molested by Singer on the set of 1998′s “Apt Pupil” when he was in the seventh grade.

White supremacist pleads guilty to NYC sword killing

NEW YORK (AP) — A white supremacist pleaded guilty Wednesday to killing a black man with a sword as part of an attack that authorities said was intended to incite a race war in the United States.

James Jackson admitted to fatally stabbing 66-year-old Timothy Caughman in March 2017 after stalking a number of black men in New York City.

Jackson, who is white, told police he traveled from Baltimore to carry out the attack because New York is the media capital of the world. He said the slaying was intended to be practice for further assaults on black people.

Paul Whelan's family starts crowdfunding to help him pay for legal defense

NEW YORK, January 21. /TASS/. Family members of Paul Whelan who was detained in Russia on espionage charges have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help him pay for his legal defense, his brother David Whelan told TASS in an e-mail.

"Now that Paul has started to receive consular support, and we know his health is being watched and that his rights are being looked after, our family has started crowdfunding to help Paul pay for his legal defense," David Whelan said.

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