Washington DC

Trump says he feels like 'Superman' after coronavirus treatment

Washington, Oct 14 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has said that he felt like a "Superman" after his experimental COVID-19 treatment and boasted about his new immunity to the disease which has claimed the lives of 216,000 Americans.

Trump, who tested positive for COVID-19 on October 1 and was admitted to a military hospital for three nights and four days, declared himself cured after he was treated with an experimental antibody drug cocktail.

White House doctors have now cleared him for holding election rallies.

Trump asks UAE to encourage others to build ties with Israel

13 Oct 2020; MEMO: US President Donald Trump asked UAE Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Zayed to encourage other countries in the region to build ties with Israel, Arab48 reported yesterday.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Arab48 reported White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere saying that Trump and Bin Zayed discussed the latest updates about the Middle East on the telephone.

Hollywood's Mark Ruffalo calls out Israel's apartheid

13 Oct 2020; MEMO: Hollywood A-lister Mark Ruffalo called out Israeli apartheid during an interview on the Mehdi Hasan Show aired yesterday.

Speaking to the British journalist, Ruffalo said: “My connection to Palestine came through Palestinians and hearing their stories and then watching this asymmetrical warfare being enacted upon them.”

“That kind inequality, that kind of oppression, that kind of apartheid.”

USA: Dr. Fauci says avoid large gatherings without masks

Washington, Oct 10 (AP/PTI) Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious-disease expert, is again cautioning against large-scale gatherings of people without masks.

President Donald Trump is planning to convene another large crowd outside the White House on Saturday.

Trump's Rose Garden event announcing Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee on September 26 has been labelled a super-spreader for the coronavirus.

Anti-nuclear activist Sister Ardeth Platte dies at 84

Washington, Oct 10 (AP/PTI) Anti-nuclear activist Sister Ardeth Platte, a Dominican nun who spent time in jail for her peaceful protests, died in her sleep on September 30. She was 84.

Sister Carol Gilbert, who confirmed Platte's death, lived with her at a Catholic Worker house in Washington, D.C. Gilbert said Platte had participated in a street corner demonstration against nuclear weapons just a few days before her death.

China has deployed 60K soldiers on India's northern border: Pompeo

Washington, Oct 10 (PTI) China has amassed 60,000 troops on India's northern border, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said as he hit out at Beijing for its "bad behaviour" and the threats it poses to the Quad countries.

The foreign ministers from the Indo-Pacific nations known as the Quad group - the US, Japan, India and Australia - met in Tokyo on Tuesday in what was their first in-person talks since the coronavirus pandemic began.

US hits Iran's financial sector with fresh round of sanctions

09 Oct 2020; MEMO: The United States on Thursday slapped fresh sanctions on Iran’s financial sector, targeting 18 Iranian banks in an effort to further shut Iran out of the global banking system as Washington ramps up pressure on Tehran weeks ahead of the US election, Reuters reports.

US reveals list of Shia militia sites it plans to strike in Iraq

09 Oct 2020; MEMO: The United States has compiled a list of 80 sites linked to Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and presented it to the government in Baghdad. The Americans have told the Iraqi government that they will target the sites and close the US Embassy if the militias are not reined in.

Trump still contagious? Experts say it's impossible to know

New York, Oct 9 (AP/PTI) President Donald Trump has said he doesn't think he's contagious anymore, but medical experts say that's impossible to know a week after his diagnosis with COVID-19.

Most people with COVID-19 can stop isolating and be around others about 10 days after they first showed symptoms, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

India's GDP expected to contract by 9.6 per cent this fiscal: World Bank

Washington, Oct 8 (PTI) The World Bank on Thursday said that India's GDP is expected to contract by 9.6 per cent this fiscal which is reflective of the national lockdown and the income shock experienced by households and firms due to the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that the country's economic situation is much worse than ever seen before.

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