
Body parts strewn around state capital outside Mexico City, apparently left by violent cartel

TOLUCA, Mexico (AP) — A violent drug cartel is suspected of leaving a severed human leg found hanging from a pedestrian bridge Wednesday in Toluca, just west of Mexico City. Before the day was out, parts of at least two bodies had turned up around the city.

At the bridge, the trunk of the body was left on the street below, near the city’s center, along with handwritten signs signed by the Familia Michoacana cartel.

Drug cartel violence flares in western Mexico after vigilante leader’s killing

APATZINGAN, Mexico (AP) — The drug cartel violence that citizen self-defense leader Hipolito Mora gave his life fighting flared anew on Sunday, just one day after he was buried, as shootings and road blockades hit the city of Apatzingan, a regional hub in Mexico’s hot lands.

Roads in and out of Apatzingan were blocked Sunday morning by trucks and buses pulled across the road by cartel gunmen, as the vehicles’ owners stood by helplessly.

Mexico blasts new Florida immigration law; vows to help migrants

MEXICO CITY, July 1 (Reuters) - Mexico's government on Saturday slammed a tough new state immigration law in Florida spearheaded by Republican Governor and U.S. presidential contender Ron DeSantis, and the country vowed to help protect undocumented Mexicans in that state.

DeSantis is seeking the 2024 Republican nomination for president, and his new Florida law, which took effect on Saturday, is seen as a preview of the kind of hardline policies he would seek on immigration enforcement.

Mexican president names former head of UN agency to be new FM

MEXICO CITY, June 13 (Xinhua) — Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday announced his appointment of Alicia Barcena as his new foreign minister, replacing Marcelo Ebrard, who resigned Monday to run for president.

“She has a very extensive career in the diplomatic field,” the president said during his daily press conference.

Mexican president: Soldiers apparently executed five men, will face prosecution

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president described the slayings of five men caught on security camera footage as an apparent “execution” by soldiers, and vowed Wednesday that the perpetrators would face justice.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a staunch supporter of the armed forces who has insisted that under his administration they have shed any previous tendency toward human rights abuses. He said Wednesday that the slayings in a northern border city last month were impermissible, and that soldiers involved were being were being turned over for prosecution.

Election in Mexico’s most populous state seen as preview of 2024 national contest

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexicans in two states, including the country’s most populous, will elect new governors Sunday, having only known single-party rule for nearly a century.

The State of Mexico hugs Mexico City on three sides, encompassing urban sprawl and rural ranches, as well as stunning inequality, violence and corruption. For decades it has been the heart of the Institutional Revolutionary Party.

Mexican prosecutors say 45 bags of human remains may belong to missing group

MEXICO CITY, June 2 (Reuters) - Human remains discovered in 45 bags in western Mexico appear to resemble the features of several missing call center employees, state prosecutors said in a statement late on Thursday.

The Jalisco Prosecutor's Office said the remains found in the municipality of Zapopan were still subject to forensic tests to formally identify the bodies.

"According to preliminary information, the Zapopan coincided with the physical characteristics of some of the young people being searched for," the statement said.

Asylum-seekers say joy over end of Title 42 turns to anguish induced by new US rules

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — The day that President Joe Biden’s administration ended a public health measure blocking many asylum-seekers at the Mexican border during the coronavirus pandemic, Teodoso Vargas was ready to show U.S. officials his scars and photos of his bullet-riddled body.

Instead, he stood frozen with his pregnant wife and 5-year-old son at a Tijuana crossing, feet from U.S. soil.

At least 10 people killed, nine injured in shootout in northern Mexico

MEXICO CITY, May 20 (Reuters) - At least 10 people were killed and nine injured in a shootout at a car show in northern Mexico's Baja California on Saturday, the municipal government reported.

The attack occurred during an all-terrain car racing show in the San Vicente area of the city of Ensenada. Around 2:18 p.m. (2118 GMT) people with long guns got out of a gray van and began shooting at participants at a gas station, according to reports of 911 calls.

Mexico prosecutors withdraw case against woman sentenced to prison for killing man raping her

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican prosecutors announced Saturday night that they are withdrawing a case against a woman who was sentenced to six years in prison for killing a man as he raped and attacked her.

In a ruling last week that touched off a public outcry, a court in Mexico State said that while it agreed 23-year-old Roxana Ruiz was raped in 2021, it found her guilty of homicide with “excessive use of legitimate defense.” It also ordered Ruiz to pay more than $16,000 in reparations to the family of her attacker.

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