
Israel: war cabinet split on Hamas demand to stop the war

29 May 2024; MEMO: There is a split in Israel’s War Cabinet on the demand from Hamas for the occupation state to stop its war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Public Broadcasting Authority Kan 11 has reported. According to the broadcaster, there are ministers in the cabinet who believe that this is a negotiable matter, but it noted that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and those close to him insist that this would be a “surrender” to the resistance movement.

Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on Israel missile intended for Lebanon

29 May 2024; MEMO: Former US ambassador to the UN and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley visited an army base in northern Israel and signed a missile intended for Lebanon with “finish them”.

The picture, which is circulating on social media, shows Haley signing the missile: “Finish them! America [loves] Israel always.”

Israel orders negotiating team to resume Gaza cease-fire talks

22 May 2024; AA: The Israeli government instructed its negotiating team to resume negotiations for a Gaza cease-fire and hostage swap deal, according to local media on Thursday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement that the War Cabinet ordered the negotiating team “to continue negotiations for the return of the hostages.”

Iraqi Resistance conducts fresh drone attacks at occupied Eilat Port

Tehran, IRNA - The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has announced that its forces have conducted a fresh drone attack on the Israeli-occupied port of Eilat.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq issued a statement on Thursday announcing that its forces have attacked a vital target in the Eilat Port in occupied Palestine.

The anti-Zionist operation was carried out in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who are under brutal Israeli war, and in response to the crimes committed by the Tel Aviv regime.

Lapid says attacks on Gaza aid trucks are by government-backed militias

22 May 2024; MEMO: Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid said on Tuesday that those who attack the humanitarian aid trucks bound for war-torn Gaza are militias backed by the Israeli government, Anadolu has reported. Lapid made his comments on Army Radio. He described the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s “ruling regime”.

Israel ready to accept release of fewer than 40 hostages in deal’s first phase

TEL AVIV, April 26. /TASS/. Israel is ready to reduce its demand for Hamas to release 40 hostages in exchange for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza after the Palestinian movement refused an offer prepared by Qatari, Egyptian and US negotiators, The Times of Israel newspaper writes.

Israeli airstrikes target Syrian air defense sites

DAMASCUS, April 19 (Xinhua) -- In the early hours of Friday, the Israeli military launched a series of airstrikes targeting Syrian air defense sites in the southern region, the Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The airstrikes started at approximately 2:55 a.m. local time on Friday (2355 GMT Thursday) from northern Israel and aimed at air defense installations in southern Syria, it said.

The strikes caused material losses, but no casualties were reported, it added.

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