
10,000 Israel soldiers will face psychological crises by end of 2024, official data finds

18 April 2024; MEMO: The Israeli Ministry of Defence’s Rehabilitation Department said it has received 7,209 wounded soldiers since the beginning of the war on Gaza on 7 October, and that 30 per cent of them had developed psychological issues as a result of the war.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Defence said about 60 per cent of the wounded soldiers had psychological trauma as the primary form of injury.

Israeli officers admit that most Gaza fatalities classified as ‘terrorists’ are civilians

01 April 2024; MEMO: Israeli officers and soldiers have admitted that most of the fatalities classified by the army as “terrorists” during its war on the Gaza Strip are actually civilians, a report said Sunday.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz collected testimonies from officers and soldiers who have fought in Gaza during the war, which has been ongoing since Oct. 7, 2023.

“The Israeli army says 9,000 terrorists have been killed since the Gaza war began,” the report said.

Israeli court halts subsidies for ultra-Orthodox, deepening turmoil over mandatory military service

29 March 2024; AP: TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday ordered an end to government subsidies for many ultra-Orthodox men who do not serve in the armya blockbuster ruling that could have far-reaching consequences for the government and the tens of thousands of religious men who refuse to take part in mandatory military

Israel: president defies UN and calls for war in Gaza to continue

27 March 2024; MEMO: Israel’s President Isaac Herzog defied the UN and called on Tuesday for the offensive against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to continue until the Hamas leader in the territory, Yahya Sinwar, is captured “dead or alive” and the Israeli hostages are freed.

Israel: Netanyahu's coalition gov’t in turmoil over exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service

28 March 2024; MEMO: The Israeli Prime Minister faces a challenge within his coalition government as tensions escalate over proposed legislation exempting the ultra-Orthodox, known in Hebrew as Haredim, from military service, threatening the coalition’s rule collapse, Anadolu Agency reports.

Israel asks US to reschedule scrapped meeting on Rafah offensive plans

27 March 2024; MEMO: Israel has asked to reschedule a meeting with US officials to discuss its military plans in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah, a US official said on Wednesday, days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu abruptly scrapped the planned talks, Reuters reports.

Israeli war to end with Jews settling northern Gaza: Knesset member

25 March 2024; MEMO: The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip will end with Jews settling north of the Gaza Strip, the head of the Knesset’s National Security Committee said on Sunday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“Israel must end the war when Jews settle in the entire northern Gaza Strip,” Zvika Fogel told the Israeli public broadcaster KAN.

Israel minister: We will invade Rafah even if the whole world is against us

22 March 2024; MEMO: Israeli occupation forces will eventually invade the Palestinian city of Rafah in southern Gaza and defeat Hamas, “even if the whole world is against Israel, including the United States”, Minister of Strategic Affairs, Ron Dermer, has said.

Israel: Sara Netanyahu criticises released Israeli captives

23 March 2024; MEMO: The wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sara, sparked a wave of reactions from the Israeli captives who were returned from Gaza during the exchange deal with Hamas.

Sara criticised the liberated captives and complained in private conversations with a member of the Knesset that she and her husband had not yet received thanks for returning some of the captured Israelis.

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