Science & Technology

Turkey, Belarus sign Antarctic cooperation agreement

ANKARA; 22 Apr 2019; AA: Turkey and Belarus signed an agreement to cooperate on polar research on Monday, months after Turkey completed its third National Antarctic Science Expedition.

The agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in Antarctica was signed by Turkey’s Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank and Vladimir Gusakov, the chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

British prisons use secret technology to catch inmates using illegal cellphones

LONDON, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Special mobile detection kits are being used to detect and seize illegal cellphones used by prisoners, British Justice Secretary David Gauke said Sunday.

The kits allow guards to pinpoint a cellphone signal down to a precise prison cell as part of a wider effort to reduce violence and drug use and restore stability in British prisons, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said.

The technology is the latest weapon in the fight against phone smuggling which leads to drug-dealing and violence, said the ministry.

Global Panel to review U.S. FAA approval of Boeing 737 Max

CHICAGO (AP) — A global team of experts next week will begin reviewing how the Boeing 737 Max’s flight control system was approved by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

The FAA says experts from nine international civil aviation authorities have confirmed participation in a technical review promised by the agency.

India: Deepest radio images of Sun created

Pune, Apr 17 (PTI) Scientists have captured the deepest radio images of the Sun, an advance that may help reliably predict space weather and its possible effects on Earth.

The Sun is probably the most studied celestial object, but it still hosts mysteries that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades, for example, the origin of coronal mass ejections which can potentially affect the Earth.

Russia's parliament votes to unplug internet from world

16 Apr 2019; DW: Russian Duma deputies on Tuesday overwhelmingly supported a bill allowing Russia to create its own autonomous internet. The law will create an independent infrastructure for the Russian internet, or "Runet," which will essentially allow Russia to pull up its virtual drawbridges in case of attack. 

India: IIT-R finds new method to detect breast, ovarian cancer

Roorkee, Apr 15 (PTI) Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee have found a new method to detect breast and ovarian cancer, responsible for one fifth of cancer-related deaths worldwide.

The research published in the journal, 'FASEB Bioadvances' details the use of whole saliva as a body fluid for early detection of breast and ovarian cancers, as opposed to the traditional method of using blood samples.

Advanced electronic warfare systems to enter service with Russian troops in 2019

YEKATERINBURG, April 15. /TASS/. Advanced radio jamming systems Pole-21 will arrive for troops in Russia’s Central Military District for the first time in 2019 under the rearmament program, Electronic Warfare Chief in the District’s Staff Major-General Sergei Portnykh said on Monday.

China's 1st test-tube baby becomes mother

BEIJING, April 15 (Xinhua) -- Thirty-one years after her birth via external fertilization and embryo transplantation, Zheng Mengzhu, China's first test-tube baby, gave birth on Monday in a Beijing hospital.

At 8:34 a.m., Zheng gave birth to a boy through caesarean section, said Zhao Yangyu, head of obstetrics at Peking University Third Hospital who performed the surgery. The boy weighs 3.85 kg, which is similar to his mother's birth-weight.

The baby was in a horizontal position when he was in the womb, a situation that demanded a C-section, Zhao explained.

Giant Stratolaunch jet flies for first time

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A giant six-engine aircraft with the world’s longest wingspan completed what company officials called a superb initial flight over California’s Mojave Desert, bringing to life a dream held by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen.

Stratolaunch Systems Corp. chief executive Jean Floyd said Saturday the aircraft made a “spectacular” landing that was on the mark. Stratolaunch, which was founded by Allen, is vying to be a contender in the market for air-launching small satellites. He died in October.

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