Trump threatens to fire Fauci in rift with disease expert

OPA-LOCKA, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump is suggesting that he will fire Dr. Anthony Fauci after Tuesday’s election, as his rift with the nation’s top infectious disease expert widens while the nation sees its most alarming outbreak of the coronavirus since the spring.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Opa-locka, Florida, Trump expressed frustration that the surging cases of the virus that has killed more than 231,000 people in the United States this year remains prominent in the news. That sparked his supporters to begin chanting “Fire Fauci.”

USA: Biden backers make final plea for delivery of mail ballots

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Down to the wire with the threat of court battles looming, supporters of former Vice President Joe Biden scrambled Monday to rally swing-state voters to drop off ballots, visit precincts in person and ensure their votes are counted.

As months of President Donald Trump undercutting the legitimacy of mail-in votes gave way to promises he would challenge them in court, both sides made a final push to ensure their supporters turned out, even with the lingering threat of lawsuits aimed at invalidating ballots.

USA: Lawyers on standby if cloudy election outcome heads to court

WASHINGTON (AP) — Signature matches. Late-arriving absentee votes. Drop boxes. Secrecy envelopes.

Democratic and Republican lawyers already have gone to court over these issues in the run-up to Tuesday’s election. But the legal fights could take on new urgency, not to mention added vitriol, if a narrow margin in a battleground state is the difference between another four years for President Donald Trump or a Joe Biden administration.

Both sides say they’re ready, with thousands of lawyers on standby to march into court to make sure ballots get counted, or excluded.

Hospitals competing for nurses as US coronavirus cases surge

FENTON, Michigan (AP) — As the coronavirus pandemic surges across the nation and infections and hospitalizations rise, medical administrators are scrambling to find enough nursing help — especially in rural areas and at small hospitals.

Nurses are being trained to provide care in fields where they have limited experience. Hospitals are scaling back services to ensure enough staff to handle critically ill patients. And health systems are turning to short-term travel nurses to help fill the gaps.

In 2020 finale, Trump combative, Biden on offense

PITTSBURGH (AP) — In the closing hours of a campaign shadowed by a once-in-a-century pandemic, President Donald Trump charged across the nation Monday delivering an incendiary but unsupported allegation that the election is rigged, while Democratic challenger Joe Biden pushed to claim states once seen as safely Republican.

Biden leads Trump by 10 points in pre-election poll

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads U.S. President Donald Trump by ten percentage points nationally, according to a new poll released on Sunday.

Biden's support stands at 52 percent to Trump's 42 percent among national registered voters, the NBC News and Wall Street Journal poll showed as Election day is just two days away.

Trump denies report about his intension to prematurely declare victory on election night

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday denied a report that he intends to declare victory on election night if it looks like he is ahead.

Trump's remarks came a few hours after news website Axios reported that the Republican incumbent has privately discussed plans to declare victory on election night even though it might take a few days for all mail-in ballots to be counted in some states.

USA: Biden works to push Black turnout in campaign's final days

Philadelphia, Nov 2 (AP/PTI) Joe Biden is spending the final days of the presidential campaign appealing to Black supporters to vote in-person during a pandemic that has disproportionally affected their communities, betting that a strong turnout will boost his chances in states that could decide the election.

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