UN: Kashmir a ‘burning issue’, Erdogan tells world leaders

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 22 (APP): Turkey told the UN General Assembly on Tuesday that the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan was a “burning issue”, and called for resolving it through dialogue.’

“The Kashmir conflict, which is also key to the stability and peace of South Asia, is still a burning issue,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech he made via video-link to the 193-member Assembly’s landmark 75th session.

Turkey’s Erdogan Proposes Regional Conference Over East Med Issue

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 23 (NNN-ANADOLU) – Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Tuesday, proposed a regional conference over the maritime dispute in the Eastern Mediterranean.

“I would like to repeat here our call for establishing dialogue and cooperation between coastal countries of the Eastern Mediterranean,” Erdogan said, in his video remarks to the general debate of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

USA: Kamala Harris 'grossly incompetent' says Trump

Washington, Sep 23 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has termed Senator Kamala Harris as "grossly incompetent," saying he was surprised when his Democratic rival Joe Biden picked her as his running mate in the November 3 presidential election.

Harris, 55, is the first-ever Black, African-American and Indian-American woman to be the vice-presidential candidate of a major political party.

Late-stage study of first single-shot vaccine begins in US

(AP) --- Johnson & Johnson is beginning a huge final study to try to prove if a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine can protect against the virus.

The study starting Wednesday will be one of the world’s largest coronavirus vaccine studies so far, testing the shot in 60,000 volunteers in the U.S., South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Facebook: Fake pages from China tried to disrupt US politics

(AP) --- Facebook says it has removed a small network of fake accounts and pages that originated in China and focused on disrupting political activity in the U.S. and several other countries.

The U.S.-focused activity was just a “sliver” of the accounts’ overall activity and gained almost no following, Facebook said. Their primary focus was Southeast Asia, including the Philippines.

In the U.S, the accounts posted material both in support of and against presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

China, top global emitter, aims to go carbon-neutral by 2060

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Chinese President Xi Jinping says his country will aim to stop adding to the global warming problem by 2060.

Xi’s announcement during a speech Tuesday to the U.N. General Assembly is a significant step for the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Calling for a “green revolution,” Xi said the coronavirus pandemic had shown the need to preserve the environment.

“Humankind can no longer afford to ignore the repeated warnings of nature,” he said.

US government executes killer obsessed with witchcraft

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP) — The U.S. government on Tuesday executed a former soldier who said an obsession with witchcraft led him to kill a Georgia nurse he believed had put a spell on him.

William Emmett LeCroy, 50, was pronounced dead at 9:06 p.m. EDT after receiving a lethal injection at the same U.S. prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, where five others have been executed in 2020 following a 17-year period without a federal execution.

Trump, Biden fight to define campaign’s most pressing issues

SWANTON, Ohio (AP) — President Donald Trump was interrupted twice during an Ohio rally this week by sign-waving supporters chanting, “Fill that seat!”

“I will fill that seat,” Trump responded before launching into an extended riff on his plans to quickly nominate a successor to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “They say it’s the most important thing a president can do.”

USA: House easily passes stopgap funding bill, averting shutdown

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a sweeping bipartisan vote that takes a government shutdown off the table, the House passed a temporary government-wide funding bill Tuesday night, shortly after President Donald Trump prevailed in a behind-the-scenes fight over his farm bailout.

The stopgap measure will keep federal agencies fully up and running into December, giving lame-duck lawmakers time to digest the election and decide whether to pass the annual government funding bills by then or kick them to the next administration. The budget year ends Sept. 30.

USA: Thousands expected to honor Ginsburg at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON (AP) — Thousands of people are expected to pay their respects at the Supreme Court to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the women’s rights champion, leader of the court’s liberal bloc and feminist icon who died last week.

Even with the court closed to the public because of the coronavirus pandemic and Washington already consumed with talk of Ginsburg’s replacement, the justice’s former colleagues, family, close friends and the public will have the chance Wednesday and Thursday to pass by the casket of the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

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