Human Rights

US blocks Security Council resolution granting full UN membership to Palestine

UNITED NATIONS, APRIL 19. /TASS/. The United States exercised its veto right to block a UN Security Council resolution granting full UN membership to Palestine, a TASS correspondent reported.

A total of 12 countries, including Russia and China, voted in favor of the document, while two countries — Switzerland and the United Kingdom — abstained. The United States was the only country that voted against the proposed resolution.

Reuters photographer wins World Press Photo of the Year with poignant shot from Gaza

18 April 2024; AP: PARIS — Reuters photographer Mohammed Salem captured this year’s prestigious World Press Photo of the Year award Thursday with a depiction of loss and sorrow in Gaza, a heartrending photo of a Palestinian woman cradling the body of her young niece.

Israeli officers admit that most Gaza fatalities classified as ‘terrorists’ are civilians

01 April 2024; MEMO: Israeli officers and soldiers have admitted that most of the fatalities classified by the army as “terrorists” during its war on the Gaza Strip are actually civilians, a report said Sunday.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz collected testimonies from officers and soldiers who have fought in Gaza during the war, which has been ongoing since Oct. 7, 2023.

“The Israeli army says 9,000 terrorists have been killed since the Gaza war began,” the report said.

WHO chief calls on Israel to urgently enable access to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

01 April 2024; MEMO: World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus urged Israel on Sunday to urgently enable access to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza and establish a humanitarian corridor, Anadolu news agency reported.

“We urge Israel to urgently facilitate access and a humanitarian corridor so WHO and partners can carry out the lifesaving transfer of patients,” Tedros said on X.

Palestine: Resilience amid ruins: Call to prayer continues in Gaza's destroyed mosques

02 April 2024; MEMO: Despite the Israeli army’s destruction of scores of mosques in the Gaza Strip, the call to prayer (Adhan) still resonates from these houses of worship at its designated times, Anadolu news agency reported.

In northern Gaza, the minaret of the Masjid al-Awda still stands tall, though the Israeli air strikes destroyed the mosque during the ongoing war since 7 October 2023.

An Indian court sends a top opposition leader to jail until shortly before election

2 April 2024; NEW DELHI (AP) — A court in India on Monday placed a top opposition leader in two weeks of judicial detention after his 10 days in the custody of a federal agency expired, in a case that opposition parties say is part of a crackdown by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government on rivals ahead of a national election later this month.

Majority of Americans disapprove of Israel military actions in Gaza, reveals poll

28 March 2024; MEMO: The majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s military actions in the Gaza Strip, according to a recent Gallup survey, published yesterday.

The poll found that 55 per cent of US adults disapprove of the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza, while only 36 per cent approve. This marks a significant shift from November, when 50 per cent approved of Israel’s actions in Gaza, while 45 per cent disapproved.

UN hopes that in India 'everyone's rights' are 'protected', people are able to vote in 'free & fair' atmosphere

United Nations, Mar 29 (PTI) A spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said the world body "hopes” that in India and any country that is having elections, people’s "political and civil rights" are "protected" and everyone is able to vote in a "free and fair" atmosphere.

UN top court orders Israel to open more land crossings for aid into Gaza

29 March 2024; THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The top United Nations court on Thursday ordered Israel to take measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza, including opening more land crossings to allow food, water, fuel and other supplies into the war-ravaged enclave.

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