Human Rights

Grueling conditions in Indian shrimp industry ‘dangerous and abusive’; Report

29 March 2024; AP: SAN FRANCISCO — Noriko Kuwabara was excited to try a new recipe she’d seen on social media for crispy shrimp spring rolls, so she and her husband headed to Costco’s frozen foods aisle. But when she grabbed a bag of farm-raised shrimp from the freezer and saw “Product of India,” she wrinkled her nose.

“I actually try to avoid shrimp from India,” said Kuwabara, an artist. “I hear some bad things about how it’s grown there.”

UK High Court grants WikiLeaks founder Assange right to appeal his extradition to US Adam Baker 28/03/2024 - 13:08

26 March 2024; MEMO: A UK High Court ruling on Tuesday granted WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, the right to appeal his extradition to the US and set a new hearing date for the case in May before adjourning it, Anadolu Agency reports.

In a partial victory for Assange, the UK High Court has decided against his immediate extradition to the US, where he is wanted on espionage charges.

Belgian capital set to ban purchase of products from Israel settlements Adam Baker 28/03/2024 - 13:06

27 March 2024; MEMO: The Brussels City Council has passed a motion to halt the public procurement of products from Israeli settlements, Anadolu Agency reports.

The motion, brought by Benoit Hellings, a Councillor in the capital of Brussels, was adopted unanimously in a vote late Monday.

Australia's ABC staff concerned network is ‘favouring Israeli narrative’ on Gaza

27 March 2024; MEMO: Internal communications at Australia’s national broadcaster reveal staff warnings about the Gaza war coverage, indicating an overreliance on Israeli sources and language “favouring the Israeli narrative over objective reporting.”

Colombia President threatens to break relations with Israel if ceasefire not implemented

27 March 2024; MEMO: Colombian President, Gustavo Petro, warned on Tuesday that Colombia will break diplomatic relations with Israel if it does not comply with the recent resolution of the United Nations Security Council, which demands a ceasefire in Gaza, Anadolu Agency reports.

“If Israel does not comply with the United Nations ceasefire resolution, we will break diplomatic relations with Israel,” Petro published on his X account.

Israel: president defies UN and calls for war in Gaza to continue

27 March 2024; MEMO: Israel’s President Isaac Herzog defied the UN and called on Tuesday for the offensive against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to continue until the Hamas leader in the territory, Yahya Sinwar, is captured “dead or alive” and the Israeli hostages are freed.

Israeli forces executed 13 children in Gaza in front of their families, says human rights NGO

27 March 2024; MEMO: Documented testimonies have been collected regarding the execution of Palestinian children in Gaza by the Israeli occupation forces in and around Al-Shifa Hospital, at a time when a UN expert has confirmed her belief that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

Americans do not want to be 'complicit in the slaughter' of Palestinian children: Senator

27 March 2024; MEMO: Americans do not want to see Palestinian children killed in the Gaza Strip, Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, said Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“The American people, in my view, no matter what your politics may be, do not want to be complicit in the slaughter of small kids who are bombed to death while they sleep.

Over 130 British parliamentarians urge gov’t to cease arms sales to Israel Adam Baker 28/03/2024 - 12:26

28 March 2024; MEMO: Members of Parliament (MPs) and ministers from the House of Lords have urged the British government to cease arms sales to Israel in response to international pressure against Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Over 130 parliamentarians have endorsed a letter addressed to Foreign Secretary David Cameron, calling for a ban on arms exports to Israel.

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