
Covid-19: First batch of vaccine arrives in 3 Moscow clinics: Russia

MOSCOW, Sept 5 (NNN-TASS) — Moscow outpatient clinics No. 2, No. 220, and No. 62 have received the first batch of a vaccine against the coronavirus, Deputy Moscow Mayor Anastasia Rakova told reporters.

“Today Moscow medical institutions received the first batch of a vaccine against the coronavirus for post-registration trials. Municipal outpatient clinics No.2, No. 220, and No. 62 became pioneers. The medical institutions are completely ready for the study launch which will begin next week,” she said.

India record 86,432 corona infections in a day, from 3 million to 4 million in 13 days

New Delhi, Sep 5 (PTI) India's COVID-19 infection tally sprinted past 40 lakh, just 13 days after it crossed 30 lakh, with a record 86,432 cases being reported in a day, while recoveries have surged to 31,07,223 on Saturday pushing the recovery rate to 77.23 per cent, according to the Union Health Ministry.

The total coronavirus cases mounted to 40,23,179, while the death toll climbed to 69,561 with 1,089 people succumbing to the disease in a span of 24 hours, data updated at 8 am showed.

Russia: Permission to release batch of Sputnik V vaccine for civilian use may be granted next week

MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/: The Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology under the Russian Health Ministry may be granted permission to release a batch of the newly-developed vaccine Sputnik V against the novel coronavirus for civilian use next week, the institute’s deputy director for research, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Denis Logunov, said on Friday.

India: Himachal minister tests COVID-19 positive

Shimla, Sep 3 (PTI) Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Minister Mahender Singh Thakur said he tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, four days ahead of the monsoon session of the assembly.

Singh, 70, in a Facebook post urged people who came in his contact recently to quarantine themselves and get tested for the dreaded disease.

The legislator from Mandi's Dharampur assembly segment said he had got himself tested after observing primary symptoms. The seven-time MLA expressed hope that he would be cured soon.

USA: Health officials worry nation not ready for COVID-19 vaccine

(AP) --- Public health departments, which have struggled for months to test and trace everyone exposed to the novel coronavirus, are now being told to prepare to distribute COVID-19 vaccines as early as Nov. 1.

In a four-page memo this summer, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told health departments across the country to draft vaccination plans by Oct. 1 “to coincide with the earliest possible release of COVID-19 vaccine.”

Australia covid hot spot extends state of emergency

Melbourne, Sept 2 (AP/PTI) Australia's hot spot Victoria state on Wednesday extended its state of emergency for another six months as its weekly average of new coronavirus infections dipped.

The Victorian Parliament's upper chamber passed legislation by a 20-19 vote to extend the state of emergency, which enhances the government's powers to impose pandemic restrictions.

India: 54 pc COVID-19 cases in age group 18-44 yrs, 51 pc deaths among those aged 60 yrs and above

New Delhi, Sep 2 (PTI) The Union Health Ministry said on Wednesday that 54 per cent of the COVID-19 cases reported in India are in the age group of 18-44 years, while 51 per cent deaths are among people aged 60 and above.

Presenting an analysis of COVID-19 cases and mortality on the basis of age, it also said that 36 per cent of the fatalities reported are in the age group of 45-60 years, 11 per cent in the age group of 26-44 years and 1 per cent each among people aged 18-25 years and those below 17 years.

India: A fifth of Chennai people exposed to COVID

Chennai, Sep 1 (PTI) One-fifth of the population here has been exposed to COVID, a sero survey for the transmission of the infection in Greater Chennai Corporation areas has revealed.

"Overall, one-fifth of the population in Chennai was exposed to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) infection," the GCC said in its preliminary finding.

The sample size was around 12,000 to detect a sero- prevalence of 2 per cent, for a relative precision of 20 per cent design effect of 2.5 and for 95 percent confidence interval.

India: Too much drink puts a number of men in psychosis

Chennai, Sep 2 (PTI) Excessive, regular consumption of alcohol after a break due to COVID-19 lockdown induced dry phase has landed a number of men in "alcohol induced psychosis," a mental condition marked by disrupted thinking, perceptions and behaviour, an expert said here on Wednesday.

Left with no other option, several people had been abstinent from alcohol for a considerable period of time during the lockdown, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Institue of Mental Health (IMH), Dr D Devi said.

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