Why we should stop human gene editing

by Fabian Schmidt

The world's first genetically modified babies have been born — at least that's what a Chinese researcher has claimed. This breach of taboo sends a disturbing signal and must not be tolerated, says DW's Fabian Schmidt.

Chinese researcher He Jiankui's claim that he's helped make the world's first genetically edited babies whose DNA was altered with the new powerful CRISPR/Cas9 tool sounds as credible as it does scary.

China’s megaprojects fuel unease in Pakistan


ISLAMABAD (AP) — The assault on the Chinese Consulate in Karachi was the latest in a series of attacks on China’s growing influence in Pakistan, where Beijing is financing tens of billions of dollars’ worth of megaprojects that critics fear will plunder the country’s resources and leave it with crippling debt.

Has Duterte 'surrendered' to Beijing on the South China Sea?

21 Nov 2018; DW: President Xi Jinping has signed 29 bilateral deals with the Philippines on his landmark visit to Manila. But experts say his main agenda was to forge cooperation on the disputed South China Sea. Ana P. Santos reports.

Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded a two-day visit to the Philippines on Wednesday after signing 29 bilateral agreements, including a memorandum of understanding with Manila on oil and gas development in the South China Sea (SCS).

Can China rival the US Navy in the Pacific?

21 Nov 2018; DW: Beijing has been making big steps recently toward solidifying a sphere of influence in the Asia-Pacific. Defending these interests will require a buildup of Chinese naval power that could heighten conflict with the US.

On November 17, the commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific, Admiral Philip Davidson, told the Halifax International Security Forum that the US would protect the "viability" of a free and open "Indo-Pacific," a term used in the US for the region.

US midterm elections 2018: What do the results mean for Donald Trump?

7 Nov 2018; DW: While Democrats fell short of an all-out "blue wave," their gains in the House could have a major impact on President Donald Trump's agenda. DW takes a look at how the results could hurt — or help — the US leader.

Tuesday's midterm elections in the United States saw mixed results for the two chambers of US Congress, in the first major electoral test of Donald Trump's presidency.

India: Babri mosque demolition - a case of ‘andher nagri chupat raja’

By AW Siddiqui

On 6 December 1992; a 500 years old mosque was demolished by Hindu fanatics. The demolition was planned and organised by fascist organisations called Vishwa Hindu Parishad, RSS and Bhartiya Janta Party.

Now let’s try to think of what could possibly have happened if this incident took place in a civilised part of the world?

India: Amit Shah's Blatant Defiance Of Supreme Court Order

GANASHAKTI: BJP President Amit Shah's speech in Kerala using, typical of his style, the language of a school bully, should be seen as a direct assault on the Supreme Court of India. He said that courts should not give orders which cannot be implemented. Although he was speaking on the Sabarimala judgement reversing the ban on women's entry into the temple, what he said has wider implications.

Will the Khashoggi case make Saudi Arabia a rogue state?

13 Oct 2018; DW: Turkey and the US reportedly have proof Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by the Saudi government. If that's true, his death would have far-reaching consequences for the entire Middle East, says journalist Rainer Hermann.

The disappearance and almost-certain murder of prominent Saudi Arabian dissident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi has the potential to inflame tensions in the Middle East, already one of the world's most unstable and conflict-ridden regions.

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