News Analysis: U.S. aims to prolong Syria's war by stirring chemical weapons threats again

DAMASCUS, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- As the Syrian army will launch a wide-scale offensive against the last major rebels' stronghold in Idlib province in northwestern Syria, analysts say that the United States and its allies want to place hurdles.

New threats come to put pressure on the Syrian forces, who are poised to launch an offensive on Idlib, or establish reconciliation to resolve the situation with the help of Russia, which is already engaged in talks with Turkey to figure out a solution regarding Idlib.

Japan official says Trump misunderstands trade

TOKYO (AP) — President Donald Trump’s tariff policies reflect a serious misunderstanding of the importance of free trade and Japanese companies’ contributions to the U.S. economy, Japan’s trade minister said Thursday.

Hiroshige Seko, the minister of economy, trade and industry, warned in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press that Tokyo might take action if the U.S. fulfills threats to levy a 25 percent tariff on Japanese auto imports. He gave no details but didn’t rule out retaliatory tariffs.

Further anti-Russian sanctions may ruin America's own financial system, expert warns

MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The United States’ new tougher sanctions against Russia may entail a collapse of the US financial system and ultimately ‘bury’ economic growth both in the United States and globally, a Russian expert told TASS on Friday.

Be wary of the American black hole destroying global prosperity

Beijing, Aug 10, IRNA - On May 8, the White House announced that the United States was withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, better known as the Iran nuclear deal. And so, at one minute past midnight US Eastern Time on Tuesday, the United States reimposed economic sanctions against Iran's automotive and aviation industries, and the country's metals market.

Will US sanctions spark turmoil in Iran?

8 Aug 2018; AFP: If the US was hoping renewed sanctions on Iran would cause immediate economic turmoil and mass anti-government protests, it may be disappointed, though real pain could still be on the horizon.

US President Donald Trump described the embargoes that returned on Tuesday as "the most biting sanctions ever imposed".

Chinese people's pursuit for better life unstoppable

BEIJING, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Come rain or shine, the steps of Chinese people in pursuing a better life are unstoppable, according to a Chinese language commentary which was published under the byline "Xuanyan" in the People's Daily Wednesday.

The 4,700-character article, titled "Create a better life, come rain or shine," summarized China's development and reform since 1949, as well as its attitudes towards the challenges facing the country.

Interview: U.S. scholar says Trump administration's tariffs take toll on own side

FAIRFAX, the United States, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Trump administration has a wrong view on trade, and its protectionist measures will take their toll on American manufacturers, farmers and consumers, a U.S. scholar has said.

Washington-initiated trade tensions have been running high since it unilaterally announced tariffs on imports, including steel and aluminum, which have met with retaliatory measures from its trading partners.

Spotlight: U.S. softens rhetoric on Iran after sanctions to advance coercive diplomacy for more comprehensive deal

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- The United States on Monday managed to strike a more moderate tone toward Iran after it announced to sanction the country on Tuesday.

Experts said the seemingly inconsistent statements, put together, are indicative of a coercive diplomatic thinking that aims to push for a more comprehensive deal with Tehran.


TAMIL NADU: Opposition leaders call for overthrowing BJP Govt

G Udayakumar

5 Aug 2018; GANASHAKTI; SPEAKING at a seminar on “  challenges  facing India” at Chennai  organized by the Tamil Nadu Platform for People’s Unity on July 29, the leaders of the CPI(M), Congress, DMK and CPI  said that Modi government has failed on all fronts and called for ending the BJP rule.

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