
China strips South Korea of football trophy for 'indecent' celebrations

30 May 2019; AFP: South Korea's victorious under-18 team were stripped of the Panda Cup on Thursday after they infuriated hosts China with their celebrations.

The Koreans had already apologised to "all the people in China" after a picture emerged of a player with his foot on the trophy.

2019 IIHF World Championship. Finland edges past Russia 1:0 in semifinal

BRATISLAVA, May 25. /TASS/: The Finnish national ice hockey team defeated on Saturday the squad from Russia 1-0 in the semifinals match of the 2019 IIHF (International Ice Hockey Federation) World Championship in Slovakia.

The match between the Russian and Finnish ice hockey teams at the 10,000-seat capacity Ondrej Nepela Arena in Bratislava was attended by 9,085 spectators.

The score was opened in the 51st minute with Finnish forward Marko Anttila putting the puck into the opponents’ goal.

Sumo fans appreciate Trump’s attendance at match

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on President Donald Trump’s trip to Japan (all times local):

9:20 p.m.

Japanese sumo fans say they’re happy President Donald Trump took the opportunity during his visit to Tokyo to watch the national sport in person — even if his attendance caused some changes to the usual arrangement for fans.

Trump presented a special trophy to the winner of a tournament after Sunday’s match.

Shinichiro Idehara, a 54-year-old government employee, bought a ticket after learning Trump would be going.

Indian female climber dies on Mt Everest

Kathmandu, May 23; PTI/GANASHAKTI:  A 54-year-old Indian woman climber died while descending the Mt Everest, taking the toll of those who perished during this season's expedition in the Himalayan nation to 13, according to a media report on Thursday.

Mumbai-based Anjali S Kulkarni died at above Camp IV after she fell ill while coming down from the summit point on Wednesday, Thupden Sherpa, an official at Arun Treks, which organised the climb said.

India: IOA and FIH chief Batra set to be elected IOC member

New Delhi, May 23 (PTI) Indian Olympic Association president Narinder Batra is all set to become a member of the International Olympic Committee after his name was proposed for the prestigious seat by the executive board of the world sport's apex body.

The proposal to elect Batra and 9 other new members was submitted on Wednesday by the Executive Board of the IOC to IOC Session that will meet in June in Lausanne, a statement from the world body said.

Cricket: Confident Bangladesh set to test top sides at World Cup

New Delhi, May 24 (PTI) From minnows to giant-killers to a serious force from sub-continent, the ascendancy of passion-driven Bangladesh has indeed created a buzz in the cricketing circle, making them a side to watch out for in the upcoming World Cup.

The evolution of Bangladesh is uncontested and the heavyweights are aware that the 'passionate Tigers' pose a serious threat to them.

FIFA: 32 teams in Qatar World Cup 2022

23 May 2019; DW: World football's governing body was hoping to expand the competition to include 48 countries. However, that would have needed another Gulf country to host games along with Qatar, amid deteriorating ties in the region.

FIFA finally abandoned its hopes to fast-track its expansion of the World Cup on Wednesday, announcing that it had run out of time in its bid to find a way to accommodate 48 teams in Qatar and the wider region in 2022. 

Hungary: Seeking more respect, superstar Hegerberg out of World Cup

Budapest, Hungary: With a no-nonsense look etched on her face, Ada Hegerberg stares straight into the camera and says: “Now it’s time for action.”

It’s fitting the Norwegian superstar was chosen as the face of a recently launched campaign aimed at improving the profile and standards in women’s soccer.

Not just because, as the first ever female winner of the Ballon d’Or, she is the outstanding player in the women’s game.

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