United Kingdom

UK PM Johnson will ask for Brexit extension if no deal by October 19: court documents

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will send a letter to the European Union asking for a Brexit delay if no divorce deal has been agreed by Oct. 19, according to government papers submitted to a Scottish court, the BBC reported.

Last month, opposition lawmakers and rebels from Johnson’s Conservative Party forced through the “Benn Act” requiring him to delay Britain’s departure from the EU if he has not agreed a withdrawal treaty in the next two weeks, to prevent what they say will be a calamitous no-deal Brexit.

More Brexit questions than answers as Oct. 31 deadline nears

LONDON (AP) — Well over three years after Britain announced it would split from the European Union, everything regarding Brexit is still in limbo and early hopes of an amicable split have turned into the reality of a bitter, battling divorce.

Britain is scheduled to leave on Oct. 31, but much is still uncertain, especially in Ireland.

Here are some of the unresolved questions about Brexit as Britain’s political drama heads into its possible final weeks:


Scotland to ban smacking children as parliament agrees to new law

LONDON, Oct 4 (NNN-XINHUA) — Scotland on Thursday became the first part of Britain to make it illegal for parents to smack their children, Xinhua news agency reported.

A new law banning smacking was agreed in Edinburgh by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs).

MSPs voted 84 in favour and 29 against the Children’s Protection from Assault Bill.

The new law, which was put forward by former police officer John Finnie — a Green Party MSP, gives children the same protection from violence as adults.

Britain and EU trade blame over new Brexit plans

3 October 2019; AFP: Britain and the EU on Thursday traded claims about who would be responsible for the failure of a new Brexit deal unveiled by London as the country faces a messy exit from the bloc at the end of October.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned the bloc's failure to listen to his new proposal would result in it sharing the blame for a likely chaotic divorce.

UK Labour leader Corbyn says latest Brexit deal will be rejected

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn predicted on Thursday that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s latest effort to secure a Brexit deal would be rejected by the European Union and by parliament.

“The proposals are unrealistic and damaging, and will, as I think the prime minister full well knows, be rejected in Brussels, rejected in this House and rejected across this country,” Corbyn told parliament.

UK PM Johnson to announce 'final Brexit offer' to EU

MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson will on Wednesday make his final Brexit offer to the European Union and say that, if Brussels does not engage with it, Britain will stop talking and leave on Oct. 31 regardless.

In his closing speech to his Conservatives’ annual conference, Johnson will stick to his hard line on Brexit, offering the party faithful details of what he will describe as his “fair and reasonable compromise”.

UK PM to unveil new Brexit plan - and threat

Manchester, Oct 2 (AFP) Prime Minister Boris Johnson will unveil his plan for a new Brexit deal at his Conservative party conference Wednesday, warning the EU it is that or Britain leaves with no agreement this month.

Downing Street said Johnson would give details of a "fair and reasonable compromise" in his closing address to the gathering in Manchester, and would table the plans in Brussels the same day.

Ebola: UK issues Tanzania travel warning

LONDON, Oct 2 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The UK has issued a travel warning on Tanzania following the death last month of a patient suspected to have had Ebola-related complications.

Tanzania’s government denies the reports, saying there have been no confirmed or suspected Ebola cases.

The UK issued the travel warning as pressure mounts on Tanzania to share more information on the suspicious death.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a woman with the suspected Ebola virus died in Tanzania’s coastal city of Dar es Salaam.

PM Johnson: No impropriety in my relationship with U.S. businesswoman

MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday there had been no impropriety in his relationship with a U.S. businesswoman which is now subject to a possible misconduct investigation.

The government of London said on Friday it had referred Johnson to Britain’s police watchdog for potential investigation over allegations of misconduct involving tech entrepreneur Jennifer Arcuri while he was mayor of London.

“I can tell you there was no impropriety as far as I’m concerned,” Johnson said when asked about the allegations on LBC Radio.

UK PM Johnson to submit Brexit grand bargain but Ireland skeptical

MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson will shortly present the European Union with proposals for an amended Brexit agreement, including new ideas that remove the contested insurance policy for the Irish border that Britain previously signed up to.

More than three years since the 2016 referendum, the United Kingdom is heading towards an Oct. 31 exit date without a clear understanding of whether it will leave with a deal, without a deal or even leave by that deadline.

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