
Suspected Al-Qaeda Gunmen Attack Security Headquarters In Southern Yemen

ADEN, May 7 (NNN-YPA) – Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen, attacked a security headquarters in Yemen’s southern province of Dhalea last night, a government official said.

“Intense armed confrontations are still going on between the security forces and the al-Qaeda suspects, in and around the security headquarters in Dhalea, amid large explosions,” the local official said.

The gunmen’s attack on the security headquarters, that includes a prison, is aimed to free al-Qaeda inmates, he added.

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition says it will release 163 Houthi prisoners

28 April 2022; MEMO: The Saudi Arabian-led coalition fighting in Yemen said, on Thursday, it would release 163 prisoners from Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi group who fought against the Kingdom, as part of a humanitarian initiative, Reuters reports.

The coalition had already begun taking measures to release the prisoners in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross, added a statement on the Saudi state news agency, SPA.

Al-Qaeda Commander Killed In Operation In SE Yemen

ADEN, Apr 24 (NNN-YPA) – A senior commander of the Yemen-based al-Qaeda branch was killed yesterday, in a shootout with local security forces, in Yemen’s south-eastern province of Hadramout, a security official said.

The gun battle took place in the Sudaf area of Hadramout, when a unit of local security forces conducted an operation on an intelligence tip-off and raided an al-Qaeda hideout in the area, the local security source said.

Omani Delegation Arrives In Yemen To Mediate Peace Process

SANAA, Apr 23 (NNN-ONA) – A delegation from Oman arrived in Yemen yesterday, to convince the Houthi group, to engage in a peace process with the Yemeni government.

“The Omani delegation would meet with top leaders of the Houthis, amid efforts to lift the blockade and end the war,” the Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported, without providing details.

Yemen’s warring sides agreed to implement from Apr 2 a UN-brokered cease-fire, that was meant to last two months.

Commercial Ship Catches Fire Near Aden’s Port In Yemen

ADEN, Apr 13 (NNN-YPA) – A commercial ship carrying foodstuffs caught fire, in the waters of the strategic port of Aden in the southern part of Yemen, a government official said yesterday.

The local official said that, a fire engulfed the engine room of an Indian ship on Monday night. The seven Indian sailors on board were rescued by the local authorities.

He confirmed that some of the sailors were injured and moved to a nearby hospital for treatment in Aden, and a firefighting squad was dispatched to the site.

Yemen's new Presidential Council promises to bring peace

10 April 2022; MEMO: Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has dismissed Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and delegated his full powers to the newly formed eight-member Presidential Council to govern the country through a transitional period, Anadolu Agency reported.

Hadi has been based in Saudi Arabia since fleeing to the kingdom in February 2015 after the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels captured much of the country, including the capital Sanaa.

Arab States welcome formation of Presidential Council in Yemen

07 April 2022; MEMO: Arab countries have welcomed the formation of Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council, headed by Rashad Al-Alimi, as well as the urgent financial support provided by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the Yemeni economy, Anadolu News Agency reports.

UN Envoy Expresses Concern About Truce Breaches Near Yemen’s Marib

ADEN, Apr 7 (NNN-YPA) – UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, said yesterday that, the presence of hostile military activities, near the country’s oil-rich province of Marib, sparks concerns on the fifth day of the two-month ceasefire.

In a statement, the UN envoy briefed on the status of the truce that went into effect on Apr 2, pointing out that, he has seen a “significant reduction of violence” but he noted, there are reports of some hostile military activities, particularly around Marib.

Yemen government say it supports UN-sponsored ceasefire for Ramadan

01 April 2022; MEMO: The Saudi-backed Yemeni government said on Friday it supported a ceasefire proposed by the United Nations that would also ease sea and air restrictions imposed on areas controlled by the Houthi movement to help alleviate a dire humanitarian crisis, Reuters reports.

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