
Explosions Rocked Gov’t-Controlled Weapons Warehouse In NE Yemen

ADEN, Nov 8 (NNN-YPA) – Several explosions last night, rocked a weapons warehouse owned by Yemen’s government forces, in the country’s north-eastern oil-rich province of Marib, a security official said.

“Massive explosions rocked a weapons warehouse near a densely populated neighbourhood in Marib province, igniting fires and forcing the evacuation of several families living in the area,” the local security official said.

Yemeni Army Claimed To Have Shot Down Two Bomb-Laden Houthi Drones

SANAA, Nov 7 (NNN-YPA) – Yemen’s government forces said yesterday that, it shot down two bomb-laden drones, launched by the Houthi militia over the past 24 hours.

In a statement aired by Yemeni TV, the army said, one drone was downed in the central province of Marib, while the other was intercepted near Al-Hazm, the capital city of the north-eastern province of Al-Jawf.

Yemeni Gov’t Forces Destroyed 1,558 Kg Of Hashish Seized In Border Area

HAJJAH, Yemen, Oct 25 (NNN-YPA) – Yemen’s government forces, yesterday, burned 1,558 kg of hashish, seized from smugglers in the past seven months, in the north-western province of Hajjah, a security official said.

The destruction was carried out in the government-controlled city of Midi, in the presence of representatives of court, public prosecution, and security services.

Yemen: Houthis threaten to directly attack int'l oil tankers

24 October 2022; MEMO: The Houthis yesterday threatened to directly attack international oil tankers in response to the "looting of the wealth" of Yemen, senior official Mohammed Bukhaiti said.

Commenting on the targeting of Al-Dhabba oil terminal in the Hadhramaut governorate, Bukhaiti wrote on Twitter: "This attack was a warning to the oil tanker commissioned to steal Yemen's oil. The attack was not aimed at targeting the terminal."

Explosion Targeted Military Ambulance In Southern Yemen, Five Killed

ADEN, Oct 23 (NNN-YPA) – An explosion yesterday, struck an ambulance, carrying a medic team of the southern pro-government Yemeni forces, in southern Abyan province, killing five medics on board, a security official said.

“A remotely detonated Improvised Explosive Device (IED) struck an ambulance, carrying a military medical team of the southern troops, while passing through a main road in the Al Mahfid district of Abyan,” the security official said, on condition of anonymity, adding that, the blast also destroyed the ambulance.

Yemeni rebel drones target Greek ship in government-run port

SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Yemen’s Iran-backed rebels said they targeted a cargo ship Friday off an oil terminal in the war-wrecked Arab country’s south to prevent pro-government forces from using it for oil exports. A Greek company owning the Marshall Islands-flagged tanker said it sustained no damage in the attack by explosive-laden drones.

Yemeni Gov’t Ordered Armed Forces To Raise Combat Readiness For Major Changes

ADEN, Oct 18 (NNN-YPA) – The Yemeni internationally-recognised government, yesterday, ordered its armed forces to raise combat readiness, for major changes in the war-torn Arab country, in the upcoming days.

The government also ordered “all the pro-government military and security units,” to “prepare for fully restoring state institutions from the grip of the Houthi militia,” said a government statement, released by the state-run Saba news agency, following a government meeting held in the southern port city of Aden.

Security official, 4 soldiers killed in explosion in S. Yemen

ADEN, Yemen, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- An official of Yemen's pro-government security forces and four soldiers were killed in an explosion that struck their vehicle in the country's southern province of Abyan on Sunday, a military official told Xinhua.

"The explosion was caused by an improvised explosive device targeting a patrol of the pro-government southern security forces in Mudiyah district of Abyan Province," the local military source said on condition of anonymity.

The explosion also injured three security personnel, the source confirmed to Xinhua.

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