Washington DC

Biden will be a president who represents the best in us: Kamala Harris

Washington, Nov 28 (PTI) Joe Biden will be a president who represents the best of America, his deputy and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has said, asserting that he is a leader the world will respect.

Lavishing praise on the 78-year-old US President-elect, Harris on Friday said that Biden will be a president for all Americans.

Know that Biden will be a president who represents the best in us. A leader the world will respect and our children can look up to, Harris said in a tweet.

US blacklists Haftar-affiliated armed groups for enforced disappearances, murder

27 Nov 2020; MEMO: The US decided on Wednesday to blacklist one of the armed groups supporting General Khalifa Haftar, after Russia prevented a United Nations (UN) Security Council committee last week from imposing sanctions on the faction for human rights violations.

USA: Will leave White House if Electoral College declares Biden winner: Trump

Washington, Nov 27 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has said he would leave the White House if the Electoral College declares Joe Biden the winner of the November 3 elections, even as he reiterated unsubstantiated claims about widespread voter fraud.

In his Thanksgiving Day remarks, he, however, said it will be a mistake if the Electoral College were to elect Biden.

"It's going to be a very hard thing to concede," Trump told reporters on Thursday when asked during a press call at the White House what he will do if the Electoral College elects Biden.

US lists group, leader involved in Libya's mass graves

26 Nov 2020; MEMO: The US sanctioned Mohamed al-Kani and the Kaniyat militia in Libya on Wednesday, accused of killing civilians discovered in mass graves in Tarhuna, Anadolu reports.

The Treasury Department blamed the pro-Khalifa Haftar group for torture, forced disappearances and displacement of civilians in the conflict-hit country.

"Mohamed al-Kani and the Kaniyat militia have tortured and killed civilians during a cruel campaign of oppression in Libya," said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Trump pardons former NSA Michael Flynn

Washington, Nov 26 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order granting pardon to his former national security advisor Michael Flynn, who had been charged with making false statements to the FBI over possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential polls.

Trump signed the executive order on Wednesday.

USA: Democracy was tested this year, people up to the task: Biden

Washington, Nov 26 (PTI) US President-elect Joe Biden has said democracy was tested this year when coronavirus hit and the people of the country showed that they were up to the task by voting in record numbers in the presidential elections amid the pandemic.

He also said the country is at war with the coronavirus and called for redoubling of efforts to combat it.

Biden names climate statesman John Kerry as climate envoy

Washington, Nov 24 (AP-PTI) John Kerry, one of the leading architects of the Paris climate agreement, is getting one more chance to lead the fight against climate change after President-elect Joe Biden named the longtime senator and former secretary of state as climate envoy for national security.

Biden's team gave little immediate detail on Monday about how he envisioned Kerry shaping the new job, which many on social media and on all sides of the climate-action spectrum were quick to dub climate czar.

Trump tells officials to begin transition for next administration

Washington, Nov 24 (PTI) US President Donald Trump on Monday asked officials to begin the transition process for President-elect Joe Biden, after the head of the federal agency responsible for this said she would provide him the necessary government resources to move in to the White House.

Trump, however, insisted that he would "continue to fight and will prevail". Trump, who lost the November 3rd presidential elections to Biden and his Indian-origin running mate Kamala Harris, has yet not conceded.

USA: Biden plans to nominate topmost economist Janet Yallen as Treasury Secretary

Washington, Nov 24 (PTI) US President-elect Joe Biden is planning to nominate former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yallen as his Treasury Secretary to lead his economic response to the raging coronavirus pandemic, which has wreaked havoc on the world's biggest economy and led millions of Americans to lose their jobs.

A formal announcement on 74-year-old Yellen would be made soon, according to The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. The Treasury Secretary is fifth in the presidential line of succession.

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