Washington DC

Trump campaign legal team distances itself from Powell

Washington, Nov 23 (AP-PTI) Perhaps Sidney Powell has gone too far for even Rudy Giuliani this time.

The Trump campaign's legal team moved to distance itself Sunday from the firebrand conservative attorney after a tumultuous several days in which Powell made multiple incorrect statements about the voting process, unspooled unsupported and complex conspiracy theories and vowed to blow up Georgia with a biblical lawsuit.

US Resolution calling for an end to forced disappearance introduced in US House

Washington, Nov 21 (PTI) Two powerful American lawmakers have introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives that calls for an end to enforced disappearances in Asia and the world and supports justice and accountability for the victims, including Tamils in Sri Lanka and Uyghur Muslims in China.

Introduced by Congressmen Brad Sherman and Jamie Raskin, the House resolution also calls upon the United States to ratify the 'International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance'.

USA: Mnuchin denies trying to limit Biden's economic options

Washington, Nov 21 (AP-PTI) Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin denied on Friday that he is attempting to limit President-elect Joe Biden's options for reviving the pandemic-damaged economy by ending several emergency loan programs being run by the Federal Reserve.

Mnuchin said the programs were not being heavily utilized and Congress can make better use of the money by re-allocating it toward small-business grants and extended unemployment assistance.

USA: 'Something very historical': Push for diverse Biden Cabinet

Washington, Nov 21 (AP-PTI) Native Americans are urging President-elect Joe Biden to make history by selecting one of their own to lead the powerful agency that oversees the nation's tribes, setting up one of several looming tests of Biden's pledge to have a Cabinet representative of Americans.

O J Semans is one of dozens of tribal officials and voting activists around the country pushing selection of Rep. Deb Haaland, a New Mexico Democrat and member of the Pueblo of Laguna, to become the first Native American secretary of interior.

US Congress approves Libya Stabilisation Act

20 Nov 2020; MEMO: US Congress passed a law on Wednesday to support Libya's stability and impose sanctions on parties fuelling the conflict in the country. Currently, talks are being held between the warring parties to agree on new terms to rule the state in preparation for the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

BDS condemns Washington's anti-Semitism accusations

20 Nov 2020; MEMO: The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has condemned the statements of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in which he described the movement as "anti-Semitic".

"The administration of US President Donald Trump is trying to discredit the movement," the BDS movement announced in a press release, of which Anadolu Agency received a copy.

US senators seek to stop Trump's $23bn in arms sales to UAE

19 Nov 2020; MEMO: Three US senators said on Wednesday they would introduce legislation seeking to halt the Trump administration's effort to sell more than $23 billion of drones and other weapons systems to the United Arab Emirates, setting up a showdown with the president just weeks before he is due to leave office.

Transfer of power will be orderly and happen right on time: top Republican leader

Washington, Nov 18 (PTI) The transfer of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden's administration would be "orderly" and happen "right on time," according to a top Republican leader and Senator Mitch McConnell.

Last week, the mainstream media declared Biden as the winner of the presidential election after the 77-year-old former vice president crossed the mandatory 270 electoral votes out of the 538-member Electoral College.

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