
Sudan Denies Ethiopian Accusations Of Supporting Rebel Forces

KHARTOUM, Dec 13 (NNN-SUNA) – Sudan denied Ethiopian accusations of supporting the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which is fighting the Ethiopian army.

“Sudan controls all of its internationally recognised territories and borders with neighbouring Ethiopia, and has never, and will never, allow its use for any aggressions,” said Sudan’s foreign ministry, in a statement yesterday.

The ministry made the statement, in response to news reports from an Ethiopian news outlet, in which it accused Sudan of supporting the TPLF.

Sudan cut off from $650 million of international funding after coup

KHARTOUM, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Sudan was unable to access $650 million in international funding in November when assistance was paused after a coup, the finance minister of the dissolved government said - a freeze that puts in doubt basic import payments and the fate of economic reforms.

The financing included $500 million in budget support from the World Bank and $150 million in special drawing rights from the International Monetary Fund, said Jibril Ibrahim, who was appointed to a civilian transitional government in February.

Demonstrations will continue in Sudan against army chief, activists say

07 Dec 2021; MEMO: The Sudanese Professionals Association said yesterday that demonstrations against the actions of army chief, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, will continue throughout December, Anadolu reported.

"The people's revolution will continue until the uprooting of the putschists and their regime, and the establishment of a full transitional civil authority," the association which leads the protest movement said in a statement.

Sudan's Hamdok would quit if post-coup deal not implemented - source

KHARTOUM, Dec 1 (Reuters) - Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok will quit if a political agreement he signed with the military last week is not implemented or fails to receive backing from political factions, a source close to him said on Wednesday.

Hamdok was released from house arrest and restored to his job under thedeal reached on Nov. 21, four weeks after he was removedin a military takeover.

Sudan's Burhan dismisses senior intelligence officers, sources say

KHARTOUM, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Sudan's military leader has overhauled top intelligence positions, dismissing at least eight general intelligence officers and replacing the head of military intelligence, two official sources told Reuters on Sunday.

The decision by Sovereign Council head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan comes a week after he struck a deal to reinstate Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, who had been placed under house arrest in an Oct. 25 coup.

2 Sudan officers killed in border clashes with Ethiopian forces

27 Nov 2021; MEMO: Two officers in the Sudanese army were killed today in armed clashes with Ethiopian forces on the border between the two countries, Anadolu Agency reports.

A Sudanese military source told Anadolu Agency that the two officers were killed in the disputed Al-Fashqa border area.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added that the Sudanese army had also suffered other casualties as Ethiopian forces carried out an incursion into the Sudanese territory.

Political detainees stage hunger strike in Sudan

26 Nov 2021; MEMO: The Sudanese Congress Party, on Friday, said political detainees in the country have staged an open-ended hunger strike to protest their detention since 25 October and the "denial of their legal rights", Anadolu News Agency reports.

"The political detainees who are being held in the cells of the security apparatus near the Shendi station in the capital, Khartoum, staged an open hunger strike starting today, Friday," the party said in a statement, without referring to their numbers.

Thousands protest in Sudan against deal between PM Hamdok and military

KHARTOUM, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Sudanese protested in the streets of Khartoum and other cities on Thursday, keeping up the pressure on military leaders after they struck a deal to bring back a civilian prime minister deposed in a coup one month ago.

Prominent political parties and Sudan's powerful protest movement have opposed Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok's decision on Sunday to sign the accord with the military, with some calling it a betrayal or saying it provides political cover for the takeover.

Sudan: Burhan will leave politics after 2023 elections

25 Nov 2021; MEMO: Sudanese army chief, Lieutenant-General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said yesterday that he plans to leave politics and retire from the armed forces after the 2023 elections are held.

"We are definitely committed to holding elections in 2023. After that, I'll leave and mind my own business. I will also leave the armed forces," Al-Burhan told the Financial Times.

Under the 2019 transitional deal, Al-Burhan is forbidden from running in the elections.

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