
Sudan activists call for ‘justice’ for killed protesters

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Tens of thousands of Sudanese flooded the streets of the capital of Khartoum and other cities Saturday to mark the 40th day since the deadly dispersal of a protest sit-in, and a protest leader said a planned a meeting with the country’s ruling generals to sign a power-sharing deal was postponed until Sunday.

The “Justice First” marches were called by the Sudanese Professionals’ Association, which has been spearheading the protests since December. Those demonstrations led to the military ouster of autocratic president Omar al-Bashir in April.

Sudan military council says it foils attempted military coup

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Sudan’s ruling military council said it foiled an attempted military coup Thursday, just days after the military and a pro-democracy coalition agreed on a joint sovereign council to rule the country during a transition period until elections are held.

Lt. Gen. Gamal Omar, a member of the military council, said in a statement that at least 16 active and retired military officers were arrested. Security forces were pursuing the group’s leader and additional officers who took part in plotting the coup attempt, he said.

Envoy says Sudan rivals reach power-sharing agreement

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Sudan’s ruling military council and the country’s pro-democracy movement have reached a power-sharing agreement, including a timetable for a transition to civilian rule, an African Union envoy said early Friday.

Mohammed el-Hassan Labat said both sides agreed to form a joint sovereign council that will rule the country for “three years or a little more.” The sides agreed to five seats for the military and five for civilians with an additional seat going to a civilian with military background.

At least 7 dead as Sudanese stage protests against army rule

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Sudan’s capital and elsewhere in the country Sunday calling for civilian rule nearly three months after the army forced out long-ruling autocrat Omar al-Bashir.

A government official said at least seven people had been killed and nearly 200 injured during the demonstrations.

Sudan's military council warns of potential protests organized by opposition on Sunday

KHARTOUM, June 29 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's Transitional Military Council (TMC) on Saturday warned of the "presence of saboteurs and infiltrators with agenda of protests that the opposition forces intend to organize on Sunday."

"Now these brothers (the opposition) are calling for million-people processions. We, as forces, are not against the people or peaceful protests, but there are saboteurs with hidden agenda," said Mohamed Hamdan Daqlu, the TMC deputy chairman, when addressing a popular rally in the capital Khartoum.

"We do not want sedition," he said.

Sudan protesters urge night rallies amid standoff with army

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Sudan’s protest leaders on Monday called for nighttime demonstrations and marches in the capital, Khartoum, and elsewhere in the country, amid a tense standoff with the ruling military over who should lead the transition after the ouster of the autocrat Omar al-Bashir.

The protest leaders said they’ve begun a “revolutionary escalation” to pressure the country’s generals to hand over power to civilians and to condemn the military’s violent dispersal of their sit-in camp in Khartoum earlier this month.

US diplomat wants ‘credible’ probe into Sudan crackdown

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — The top U.S. diplomat to Africa said there must be an “independent and credible” investigation into the Sudanese military’s violent dispersal of a protest camp in the capital earlier this month, as the ruling military council failed to announce the findings of its own investigation on Saturday as promised.

Sudan talks resume as protest strike suspended

12 June 2019; DW: Sudan's Transitional Military Council and The Declaration of Freedom and Change Forces (DFCF) alliance have agreed to resume talks regarding the formation of a transitional government, an Ethiopian envoy said on Tuesday

Special envoy Mahmoud Dirir told reporters in Khartoum that the military also agreed to release political prisoners as a confidence-building measure. 

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