
Former Sudan president Bashir sentenced to two years in detention for corruption

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A Sudanese court on Saturday convicted former president Omar al-Bashir on corruption charges and sentenced him to two years of detention in a reform facility, the first ruling against the ex-leader ousted by mass unrest.

The presiding judge said Bashir, 75, who was deposed by the military in April following months of street protests against his three-decade rule, was being sent to the reform facility, rather than a prison, on account of his age.

Six Indians killed in blast in ceramic factory in Sudan

New Delhi, Dec 6 (PTI) Six Indians were killed in Tuesday's LPG tanker blast in a ceramic factory in Sudan while eight were undergoing treatment in hospitals and 11 were either unidentified or missing, the External Affairs Ministry said on Friday.

On Wednesday, the Indian Embassy in Sudan, citing reports, suggested that 18 Indians were among the 23 people killed in the blast.

Sudan welcomes exchange of ambassadors with US

06 Dec 2019; MEMO: Sudan’s ruling council on Thursday hailed the exchange of ambassadors between Sudan and the US which ended a 23-year hiatus, Anadolu reports.

“It is a positive step in the right direction toward normalizing relations between the two countries along with removing Sudan from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism,” Mohamed al-Faki, spokesman of the Sovereign Council, told Anadolu Agency.

Sudanese authorities arrest Bashir’s former religious advisor

05 Dec 2019; MEMO: Sudanese authorities have arrested Issam al-Bashir, the former religious advisor to ousted President, Omar al- Bashir, on charges of money laundering, abuse of power as well as abusing the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments’ properties.

Sudan’s Akher Lahza newspaper reported that al-Bashir was stopped by anti-money laundering units upon his return to the country.

Sudanese experts say Nile dam talks hard to settle disputes

KHARTOUM, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- Sudanese experts on Saturday said the prolonged negotiations regarding the disputed Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) would not lead to settlement of outstanding issues among relevant countries.

The remark was made ahead of a new round of talks between irrigation ministers of Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia, slated for Dec. 2 to 3, in the Egyptian capital of Cairo. During the talks, technical committees of the three countries will try to reach an agreement on the filling and operation of the GERD before Jan. 15, 2020.

Sudan adopts law to dissolve Bashir party, ‘dismantle’ regime

KHARTOUM, Nov 29 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Sudan’s new authorities ordered that the party of ousted autocrat Omar al-Bashir be dissolved and his regime “dismantled”, heeding the call of protesters whose campaign led to the leader’s overthrow.

Bashir and his Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) had ruled the northeast African country since 1989 before a nationwide protest movement resulted in him being deposed earlier this year.

China launches Sudan's first ever satellite: official

Khartoum, Nov 6 (AFP) Sudan's first ever satellite for conducting research in military, economic and space technology has been launched by China, the northeast African country's ruling body has said.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who heads Sudan's sovereign council, on Tuesday announced the launch of the satellite at a meeting of his top security officials held in Khartoum.

China's state news agency, Xinhua, reported that the satellite was launched on Sunday from north China's Shanxi Province.

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