What a horrible world awaits humanity

by Munir Shafiq

How do we understand the United States' initiation of a military front in Ukraine against Russia? The apparent fact of opening a military front in Ukraine indeed indicates that it was Russia that mobilised military forces and began to launch a war, or firing but, in fact, the US is behind preparing the ground for the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

Biden unlikely to secure lower oil prices from Saudi Arabia

by John Kemp

US President Joe Biden has called on Saudi Arabia and other Gulf producers to increase their oil output to help stabilise prices, which have surged as a result of a strong rebound in consumption after the pandemic and now sanctions on Russia, Reuters reports.

But Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members probably do not have much spare capacity to raise output by a significant amount for more than a few months.

Palestinians reject international impositions on themselves and their land

by Ramona Wadi

A recent poll by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research showed that there is significant disillusion with Palestinian politics. Arguably most notable is the opposition to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas's decision-making, a further deterioration in his popularity as leader and, more importantly, a decrease in support for the two-state compromise and even the one-state framework.

Palestinians 'are not animals in a zoo': On Kanafani and the need to redefine the role of the 'victim intellectual'

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

Years before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, US media introduced many new characters, promoting them as 'experts' who helped ratchet up US propaganda, ultimately allowing the US government to secure enough popular support for the war.

Russia and Iran are accelerating their project to rival the Suez Canal

by Gilbert Achkar

Naturally, one of the consequences of the sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia is to stimulate the latter's search for ways to bypass the restrictions. Since the actions taken by Western countries to punish Russia for its annexation of Crimea and its first intervention in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russia has been eagerly working to overcome the obstacles caused by Western decisions regarding its foreign trade.

'It's time the US released pictures of Guantanamo's children, the waterboarding, the blood-stained walls of cells where prisoners were killed'

by Mansoor Adayfi

Over the last 20 years, Guantanamo has represented many different things to the world. It is not only the site of one of the most infamous prisons in the 'War on Terror' but joins the ranks of Alcatraz and Robben Island as one of the most notorious in history.

Demolishing Muslim protestors' homes: India is taking a leaf out of Israel's book

by Omar Ahmed

Over the weekend Indian authorities bulldozed several homes belonging to Muslims in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh (UP). The homeowners were alleged to have taken part in organised protests on Friday in response to inflammatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made by the now ousted spokesperson for the country's ruling-Hindu hardline BJP party.

UN Resolution 181 must be repealed: The creation of Israel and the partition of Palestine was a terrible mistake

by Tony Greenstein

It was understandable why, on 29 November, 1947, the United Nations (UN) passed Resolution 181, partitioning Palestine and creating a Jewish state. In the wake of the Holocaust, there was a widespread sentiment that there should be some form of recompense to the Jews, even if it came at the expense of those who had nothing to do with the Holocaust.

Convivencia: Pushing for peace and coexistence for all in Israel/Palestine

by Faisal Bodi

One of the many myths underpinning western support for Israel's colonisation of Palestine is that its Jews live in a perpetual state of hostility with the region's Muslims. Despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary, Zionist propagandists and apologists have successfully sold the world the deception that they are the innocent victims of Muslim violence/terrorism.

Ending the West's neocolonial oppression is leading to new global language and superstructures

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

The Russia-Ukraine war has turned quickly into a global conflict. One of the likely outcomes of this is the redefinition of the current world order, which has been in effect at least since the collapse of the Soviet Union over three decades ago.

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