'Well of solutions' or problems: Why reforming the UN is critical

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

The 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly was, in many ways, similar to the 76th session and many other previous sessions: at best, a stage for rosy rhetoric that is rarely followed by tangible action or, at worse, a mere opportunity for some world leaders to score political points against their opponents.

Britain is haunted by its violent colonial past

by Yvonne Ridley

The British media want us to believe that the awful scenes of violence on the suburban streets of Leicester were triggered by a cricket match between India and Pakistan in Dubai last month. That narrative pushed by lazy journalists is much easier than confronting the real issues at play in this East Midlands city, because that requires some digging around in the bloody history of colonial brutality and imperialism that many would rather we forget.

If the West is not careful, Russia will make the Balkans a second front

by Muhammad Hussein

This month has likely been the most crushing for Russia since it launched its invasion of Ukraine almost seven months ago. In an aggressive counter-offensive operation, Ukrainian forces recaptured the cities of Kharkiv and Kupiansk, reportedly retaking 3,000 square kilometres of territory rapidly, and driving out Russian forces.

Remembering the 40th Anniversary of the Sabra Shatila Massacre

by Dr Swee Ang, orthopaedic surgeon at Gaza Hospital, Nurse Ellen Siegel at Gaza Hospital

Forty years ago, during the week of September 12, we were working in a Palestine Red Crescent Society facility, Gaza Hospital, in Sabra Shatila camp in West Beirut. As health care workers, we were trying to heal the wounds and repair the mutilated and destroyed bodies of those injured by Israel's Invasion of Lebanon in June, 1982.

Charles III and the future of the UK monarchy: looking abroad for clues

By Craig Prescott, Lecturer in Law, Bangor University

London, Sep 10 (The Conversation) King Charles III takes the throne at an uncertain time for the British monarchy. Republicanism is on the rise, both in the UK and across what is left of the Commonwealth.

Meanwhile the withdrawal of three family members from royal duties the Duke and Duchess of Sussex by personal choice, and Prince Andrew by order of his late mother has already changed the royal landscape in Britain.

Is Africa witnessing a new cold war as the Ukraine conflict drags on?

by Dr Mustafa Fetouri

One of the unintended consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, now entering its seven months, is the emergence of new axes and allies rallying behind each other in a way reminiscent of the cold war days. Most world countries have condemned what Moscow calls "Special Operation" in Ukraine, but most also did not go as far as sanctioning Russia for it—a top Western demand from other countries.

Jinns and glass palaces: how Saudi's dystopian desert city borders on the occult

by Omar Ahmed

Saudi Arabia's The Line has been lauded as the world's most futuristic city plan, and for good reason. The vertical, walled smart city will run entirely on renewable energy and aims to revolutionise urban planning, putting humans first.

How many times must Gaza be rebuilt, to be bombed again?

by Anjuman Rahman

Israel is infamous for bombing the innocent in the Gaza Strip. During Israel's latest three-day military offensive against the besieged enclave on 5 August, 49 people, including 17 children and four women were killed.

Israeli air and artillery strikes also struck various targets across Gaza that it claimed belonged to Islamic Jihad, destroying refugee camps and more than 1,500 housing units, displacing approximately 450 Palestinians from homes that were completely damaged.

The road to fascism: How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

As soon as I landed in Rome, I discovered that I was no longer able to access any Russian media whatsoever. Unfortunately, threats by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that Europe should sever all links with "Russia's propaganda machine" were taken seriously by the Italian government.

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