Israel is worried about a possible clash with Washington over the Iran nuclear deal

by Dr Adnan Abu Amer

As the countdown begins for the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, a number of disputes have surfaced between Israel and the US about the deal. There is also criticism within Israel of the government's political and military approach towards the agreement. The occupation state appears to be opposing the whole world, which has more or less united to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions through diplomatic means, while Israel foolishly sticks to the punishment approach.

Arab normalisation with Israel is part of a passing phase

by Dr Mohammad Makram Balawi

The Imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Sheikh Ṣaliḥ Ibn ʻAbd Allāh Ibn Ḥumayd, prayed to the Almighty during the Friday prayer last week, to "bring annihilation upon the plundering and occupying Jews [sic]" and to protect the Muslims from their evil. The supplications of the former speaker of Saudi Arabia's Shura Council are seen by many as a sudden diversion from his country's position on relations with Israel.

We won't be fooled again, say people of Pakistan

by Yvonne Ridley

Politicians in Pakistan rise to power and fall from grace with alarming regularity, so much so that not a single prime minister has ever completed a full term in office. The one constant has been the genuine love and affection ordinary people have for the military. However, that could be about to change now that some inconvenient truths are beginning to surface in the increasingly clumsy attempts to silence Imran Khan.

Will the idea of the 'West' survive the scourge of the Russia-Ukraine war?

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

The "West" is not just a term, it is also a concept that acquires new meanings with time. To its advocates, it can be analogous to civilisation and benevolent power; to its detractors, mostly in the "East" and "South", it is associated with colonialism, unhinged violence and underserved wealth.

France's ambiguous relations with Terrorism

by Dr. Tarek Cherkaoui

It was perplexing to see the French Newspaper, Le Monde, publishing on 17 August 2022, an opinion piece by writer, Patrice Franceschi, and former French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner. The piece, which peddles loads of misinformation and fallacies, calls upon Western nations to discourage Turkiye from launching a military operation against 'the Kurds of Syria'.

Don't judge the Taliban after just one year in charge

by Yvonne Ridley

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been in existence for one year now, but change has been agonisingly slow; early promises on women's rights are as yet unrealised; and the closure of schools for teenage girls continues to be a running sore for the international community. The country is in dire straits, but blaming the ruling Taliban is simply lazy journalism, agenda-driven bias and opportunistic politics.

Afghan Taliban in power – one year on

by Amina Khan

On 15 August 2021, the world looked on with trepidation as the situation in Afghanistan reached a critical juncture with the Afghan Taliban assuming power in the country. The takeover was swift, and relatively peaceful, with little resistance from the masses, followed by the abrupt withdrawal of US forces, leading to a new set of debates and questions.

Ukraine rebuffs Amnesty's latest report on its military conduct

by Dr. Tarek Cherkaoui

A storm seems to be hitting Amnesty International (AI). The international non-governmental organisation has been subject to strong criticisms since the release of its report on 4 August 2022 about the alleged conduct of the Ukrainian military during the current Russo-Ukrainian War.

China and the US are in 'dire straits' over Taiwan

by Burak Elmalı

Immediately after the announcement that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would visit Taiwan during her Asia tour, the complex relationship between China, Taiwan and the United States resurfaced. China warned the US that it would pay the price for this visit. Beijing and Moscow, which are allegedly bound by friendship with "no limits", responded similarly by describing Pelosi's visit as a provocation.

Why did Moscow shut down the Jewish Agency office?

by Nabil Al-Sahli

The Russian Ministry of Justice applied to a court recently to shut down the Moscow office of the Jewish Agency for Immigration at a time when Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid warned that doing so would be a dangerous measure that would affect relations between the two countries. The agency was established in 1929 and began its activities in Russia in 1989 helping Jews to migrate to occupied Palestine. On 15 July, the ministry filed a complaint against the agency before a court in Moscow.

Getting rid of the Oslo Accords authority is the first step to Palestinian liberation

by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

It was no surprise that, even while negotiating with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement through Egyptian mediators to defuse the tension in the Gaza Strip following the arrest of the movement's senior figure Bassam Al-Saadi in Jenin last week, Israel launched an aerial bombardment of the besieged territory. Such deception is in its nature, so there is no need to tire ourselves looking for the reasons for its treacherous attack.

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