
Fighting between separatist brigades kills two in Yemen's Aden -sources

ADEN, June 24 (Reuters) - Clashes between brigades of the main southern separatist movement in Yemen killed two fighters and wounded 15 people, including civilians, in the port city of Aden, security sources said on Thursday.

Aden is the interim seat of Yemen's Saudi-backed government and has seen rising tensions between the government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) over control of the city and wider south. The Houthi movement holds most of the north.

US spy plane downed in Yemen, Houthis claim

21 June 2021; MEMO: The Houthis yesterday shot down a "US spy plane" in the central Marib region of Yemen, the group's military spokesman claimed.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree said on Twitter: "Air Defenses shot down a U.S. spy plane type of (Scan Eagle) with a surface-to-air missile while carrying out hostilities in the skies of Al-Mushajah area of Sarwah district of Marib governorate."

Yemen: STC suspends consultations with government

19 June 2021; MEMO: Yemen's Southern Transitional Council (STC) has suspended its participation in consultations with the government to implement the Riyadh Agreement, following the arrests of STC leaders southeast of the country.

This came in a statement issued by Spokesperson for the UAE-backed STC Ali Al-Kathiri on Friday, published on the council's website.

UAE delivers 60,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to Yemen's strategic island: gov't source

ADEN, Yemen, June 17 (Xinhua) -- The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Thursday dispatched a plane carrying a shipment of 60,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to war-ravaged Yemen, a government official told Xinhua.

The Emirates Red Crescent (ERC), the UAE's humanitarian arm, delivered the first medical aid shipment to Yemen's strategic Island of Socotra in a bid to support the local authorities' efforts to combat the pandemic, the government source said on condition of anonymity.

Yemen's Houthis ready for peace talks hosted by Qatar

17 June 2021; MEMO: A member of the Supreme Political Council in the Houthi-led National Salvation Government has said the group is ready to take part in negotiations held by Qatar to help put an end to the six-year war against Yemen.

According to a tweet on Tuesday, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi said: "If the aggressor countries responded positively to the message of Sultan of [Oman], I believe that there is no obstacle in our view to [holding] a meeting and completing the dialogue in Qatar."

Bodies of scores of migrants recovered after boat capsizes off Yemen

ADEN (Yemen), June 15 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The bodies of 25 migrants have been recovered off the coast of Yemen after their boat, reportedly carrying up to 200 people, capsized, a provincial official said.

“The boat overturned two days ago and was carrying between 160 and 200 people,” said Jalil Ahmed Ali from the Lahij provincial authority, citing information given by Yemeni smugglers.

The fate of the other people on board was unclear.

25 Africa migrants drown off Yemen coast

15 June 2021; MEMO: Twenty-five African migrants have drowned and more than 150 others went missing yesterday when their boat capsized off the coast of southern Yemen, Anadolu reported.

The agency quoted Ali Youssef Al-Dabbash, a worker in the Kharaz camp for African refugees as saying that Yemeni fishermen have recovered the bodies of 25 African migrants off the coast of Ras Al-Ara and Al-Mudaraba district on the Red Sea, west of Lahj governorate.

Saudi-led coalition says wants to prepare political ground for peace process in Yemen

(Reuters) --- The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi group in Yemen said on Thursday it has stopped carrying out attacks near Sanaa or any other Yemeni city because it wants to prepare the political ground for a peaceful settlement.

The statement, made by the spokesperson for the Saudi-led coalition and published by the Saudi state media, followed media reports of an attack on an armoured division belonging to the Iran-aligned Houthis near the Yemeni capital.

Houthis to 'expose Mossad's activities in Yemen' after detaining agent

9 June 2021; MEMO: The spokesman for the Houthi-aligned Yemeni armed forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced yesterday that a new documentary will be airing in the coming days, which will reveal the extent of Israel's Mossad spy operations in the war-torn country.

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