Middle East & North Africa

Israel Arrests Three More Hamas Leaders In West Bank: Palestinian Sources

RAMALLAH, Mar 27 (NNN-WAFA) – Israeli forces, yesterday arrested, in the West Bank, three more leaders of Hamas, ruling party of Gaza, according to Palestinian sources, close to the movement.

The sources said that, the Israeli forces arrested the three Hamas leaders, Hatem Qafisha, Eisa al-Jabari and Mazen al-Natsheh, from their homes, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

Iran, China sign 25-year cooperation agreement

DUBAI (Reuters) - The Chinese and Iranian foreign ministers on Saturday signed a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two allies in a ceremony carried live on state television.

“Our relations with Iran will not be affected by the current situation, but will be permanent and strategic,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was earlier quoted by Iranian news agencies as saying.

“Iran decides independently on its relations with other countries and is not like some countries that change their position with one phone call.”

Lebanon's largest Christian bloc warns against sidelining president

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon’s largest Christian bloc, the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), warned prime minister-designate Saad al-Hariri on Saturday against sidelining President Michel Aoun and other parliamentary blocs in talks over cabinet formation.

Hariri and Aoun have been at loggerheads over the formation of a cabinet for months, dashing hopes of a reversal of Lebanon’s deepening financial meltdown.

In sharp disagreement with IHRA, new definition insists BDS is not anti-Semitic

26 Mar 2021; MEMO: In the latest opposition to the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, favoured by staunch advocates of the state of Israel, a group of over 200 academics and experts have created a new anti-Semitism definition which excludes the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and several other e

Israel: Netanyahu contacts with Arab MK to form coalition government

27 Mar 2021; MEMO: Israel Hayom has reported Head of the Israeli Likud Party Benjamin Netanyahu starting contacts with Arab Israeli MK Mansour Abbas, head of the Islamic Movement's southern branch, to form a new coalition government, Shehab News Agency reported on Friday.

US Treasury provides $1.15bn financing for Sudan

26 Mar 2021; MEMO: The US Treasury Department announced today it provided bridge financing of around $1.15 billion to help Sudan clear its arrears at the World Bank.

The department said in a statement the US praises Sudan's Civilian-Led Transitional Government (CLTG) for moving forward with reforms that will restore economic stability, secure debt relief, and improve economic prospects for citizens.

Israel detains 3 prominent Hamas leaders in West Bank

26 Mar 2021; MEMO: The Israeli army detained three prominent Hamas leaders the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

Eyewitnesses told Anadolu Agency that an Israeli soldier detained Hatem Qaffeisha, 58, a top Hamas leader in Hebron and a Palestinian lawmaker.

Former Local Governance Minister Isa Al-Jabari, 55, and top Hamas figure Mazen Al-Natsha, 49, were also detained.

The three figures have been jailed several times by the Israeli army.

Israel rejects Amman's request to increase water supplies from Jordan River to Jordan

27 Mar 2021; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has escalated the spat with Jordan as he turned down the Jordanian request to increase water supplies to the kingdom, Arab48.com reported on Friday.

Netanyahu's rejection to allow increased water supplies to Jordan came against Israel's security services' recommendations.

UK: Alternative to Saudi initiative is continuation of war in Yemen

27 Mar 2021; MEMO: British Ambassador to Yemen Michael Aron has conveyed that the alternative to the Saudi initiative to end the conflict in Yemen is the retention of war for several years in the future, Aram Media reported on Friday.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Aron called for the Houthis, who rejected the initiative, to rethink their position and take steps towards peace.

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