
Egypt Condemns Deadly Israeli Raids On Occupied Palestinian Territories

CAIRO, Sept 21 (NNN-MENA) – Egypt condemned yesterday, the deadly Israeli raids on occupied Palestinian territories, the latest of which was in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

In a statement, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said, “Such attacks against the Palestinians and their properties, violate the rules of international law and Israel’s obligations as the occupying force.”

US allows much of Egypt military aid despite human rights concerns

15 September 2023; MEMO: The Biden administration has allowed much of US foreign military aid to Egypt to go ahead, saying the country was vital for US national security interests, despite what critics have said about widespread human rights abuses, Reuters reports.

Washington has only withheld $85 million of the aid which, under US law, was contingent on Egypt making “clear and consistent progress” in releasing political prisoners, which the United States said Cairo did not fulfil.

Libyan city buries 700 people killed in devastating floods as 10,000 are reported missing

CAIRO (AP) — Libya’s eastern city of Derna has buried 700 people killed in devastating flooding and 10,000 were reported missing as rescue teams struggled to retrieve many more bodies from the horrific deluge, officials said Tuesday.

Mediterranean storm Daniel on Sunday night caused havoc and flash flooding in many towns in eastern Libya but the worst destruction was in Derna, where heavy rainfall and floods broke dams and washed away entire neighborhoods, authorities said.

Egypt: Libyan prime minister says 2,000 people believed dead in flooding in eastern Libya following storm

CAIRO (AP) — At least 27 people were reported dead Monday in flooding in eastern Libya, but one of the country’s leaders said as many as 2,000 or more are feared dead after Mediterranean storm Daniel caused devastating floods over the weekend in the North African nation.

Egypt says Ethiopia's filling of Nile dam violation of tripartite deal

CAIRO, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Egypt said on Sunday that Ethiopia's filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) reservoir without a consensus with Egypt and Sudan, the two downstream countries, is a violation of the Declaration of Principles, a previously signed tripartite deal.

On Sunday, Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced on social media X, formerly known as Twitter, the completion of the fourth and final filling of the GERD reservoir.

Arab League welcomes African Union's membership in G20

CAIRO, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Arab League (AL) on Sunday welcomed the admission of the African Union (AU) as a permanent member to the Group of 20 (G20), expressing hope that the pan-Arab organization would enjoy the same status.

AL Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit welcomed in a statement the G20 leaders' decision on AU's entry into the group.

On Saturday, G20 members agreed to grant permanent membership to the AU in an effort to make the group more representative.

Egypt condemns deadly twin terrorist attacks in Mali

CAIRO, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Egypt condemned on Saturday the two terrorist attacks that took place in northeastern Mali, which killed and injured dozens, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Egypt offered its sincere condolences to the government and people of Mali, wishing a speedy recovery for the injured, the statement said, stressing the need for the international community to come together to uproot terrorism and dry up its sources of financing and support.

US imposes sanctions on Sudanese paramilitary leader for human rights abuses in monthslong conflict

CAIRO (AP) — The United States imposed sanctions Wednesday on Sudanese paramilitary commander Abdel-Rahim Hamdan Dagalo for acts of violence and human rights abuses committed by his troops in their monthslong conflict with Sudan’s army.

The U.S. Treasury said in a statement that it had sanctioned Abdel-Rahim — a senior military commander and brother of Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, who is the head of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces — accusing him of leading a group of soldiers responsible for “the massacre of civilians, ethnic killings, and use of sexual violence.”

Egypt’s MCV, Sweden’s Volvo Signed Deal To Jointly Manufacture E-Buses

CAIRO, Sept 6 (NNN-MENA) – Egypt’s Manufacturing Commercial Vehicles (MCV) and Sweden’s Volvo, yesterday signed in Cairo, an agreement to jointly manufacture electric buses in Egypt, for the European market.

MCV will manufacture the buses with “50 percent local content,” according to a statement by Egypt’s Ministry of Trade and Industry.

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