
Sudanese police seize 15,000 pieces of cannabis goods; two suspects arrested

KHARTOUM, April 19 (NNN-Xinhua) — Sudanese police announced the crackdown of a criminal network and seizure of around 15,000 pieces of cannabis goods.

After violent clashes and exchanges of fire, two suspects of the criminal group were arrested, along with the seizure of a vehicle and two Kalashnikov rifles, said a police statement.

The police said they obtained information about the criminal group travelling on a vehicle loaded with cannabis from the production areas in South Darfur State to Khartoum State.

24 Sudan parties reject Israel normalisation deal

13 Apr 2021; MEMO: More than 24 Sudanese political parties announced their rejection of normalising relations with the occupation and the abolition of Israel boycott law.

This came after the Sudanese cabinet approved a bill to cancel the 1958 Israel boycott law, which was approved by Arab countries at the time, in an expected step after the rapprochement between Khartoum and Tel Aviv in recent months.

18 killed, 54 injured in militias' attacks in Sudan's West Darfur

KHARTOUM, April 5 (Xinhua) -- At least 18 people were killed and 54 others injured in armed militias' attacks in El Geneina, capital city of Sudan's West Darfur State, the Sudanese Doctors' Committee said Monday.

"We counted 18 dead and 54 injured ... Since yesterday (Sunday), about 10 surgeries have been performed. The hospitals are still receiving more victims," the committee said in a statement.

The violence started on Saturday and escalated on Sunday, it said, adding the attacks are still going on.

Sudan Settles Debts With World Bank

KHARTOUM, Mar 27 (NNN-SUNA) – Sudan settled its debts with the World Bank (WB) after nearly three decades, according to an agreement signed yesterday.

“Today we celebrate the beginning of debt relieving and opening the door to external financing,” said Sudan’s Prime Minister, Abdalla Hamdok, when addressing a celebration held in Khartoum.

“We promise our people and international partners, to press ahead to utilise financing resources, to establish great development projects to achieve social justice,” he added.

China-Donated Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccines Arrive In Sudan

KHARTOUM, Mar 27 (NNN-XINHUA) – A batch of China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines, donated by the Chinese government to Sudan, arrived here yesterday.

The batch was received at the Khartoum International Airport by Chinese Ambassador to Sudan, Ma Xinmin, Chairman of Sudan’s Higher Committee for Health Emergencies, Siddiq Tawer, and Sudan’s Health Minister, Omer Al-Najeeb.

US Treasury provides $1.15bn financing for Sudan

26 Mar 2021; MEMO: The US Treasury Department announced today it provided bridge financing of around $1.15 billion to help Sudan clear its arrears at the World Bank.

The department said in a statement the US praises Sudan's Civilian-Led Transitional Government (CLTG) for moving forward with reforms that will restore economic stability, secure debt relief, and improve economic prospects for citizens.

Ethiopia says Eritrea agrees to withdraw troops from Tigray

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Ethiopia’s prime minister said Friday that Eritrea has agreed to withdraw its forces from the Tigray region, where witnesses have described them looting, killing and raping civilians.

The statement by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office comes after intense pressure from the United States and others to address the deadly crisis in Tigray.

Abiy’s statement after a visit to Eritrea said that Ethiopian forces will take over guarding the border areas “effective immediately.”

Egypt's Sisi visits Sudan with dam diplomacy, security on the agenda

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Sudan on Saturday for the first time since the overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir, as the neighbours push to break a diplomatic deadlock over a giant dam being built by Ethiopia.

Sisi was also due to discuss Red Sea security and developments on Sudan’s borders during his visit to Khartoum, Egypt’s presidency said in a statement.

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