
Sudan hosts forum to support normalisation with Israel

08 Feb 2021; MEMO: A forum was held in Khartoum on Saturday to support the normalisation of relations between Sudan and Israel, in the first such move in the country, reported Anadolu Agency.

In a statement, the forum organisers said the aim of the event was to "enhance tolerance and social peace in Sudan, promote national and human values, and call for peaceful coexistence".

Sudan's PM issues decision to dissolve gov't

KHARTOUM, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on Sunday issued a decision to dissolve the government, said the Council of Ministers in a statement.

"In accordance with the provisions of the constitutional document for the transitional period, the prime minister issued a decision today to relieve the ministers and ministers of state in the government of the transitional period from their posts and end the assignment of the acting ministers," the statement said.

US Amends Regulations to Export Products to Sudan

Khartoum, Jan 15 (NNN-SUNA) — The US Department of Commerce and Industry and Security Bureau amended its regulations by removing restrictions on the export of American products to Sudan that were imposed under its designation on the terrorism list.

The products include software, computers and communications.

The move allows the US companies to deal with Sudan without obstacles.

South Sudan Mediation Holds Meeting with Signatory Parties of Juba Peace Agreement

KHARTOUM, Jan 14 (NNN-SUNA) – The South Sudan mediation Wednesday held a meeting at the Republican Palace with the signatory parties of Juba peace agreement for Sudan.

The meeting was headed by the Advisor of South Sudan President for Security Affairs and head of the mediation, Tut Gulwak, in the presence of the Transitional Sovereignty Council members, Lt. Gen. Shams-Eddin Kabbashi, and Mohamed Hassan Al-Ta’ayeshi, and a number of the leaders of the peace agreement signatory movements.

udan army seized 9 Ethiopia camps inside Ethiopian territory

14 Jan 2021; MEMO: The Ethiopian Ambassador to Sudan Yibtalal Amero yesterday accused the Sudanese army of seizing nine camps inside Ethiopian territory, Anadolu Agency reported.

"We were surprised by the Sudanese army's attacks on Ethiopian territory, and the seizure of nine camps since November," Amero told representatives of international organisations and ambassadors of foreign countries in the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

Sudan appeals AU to play bigger role in Ethiopia's Nile dam talks

KHARTOUM, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) - Sudan on Monday reiterated its adherence to the necessity of giving the African Union (AU) experts a bigger role in the negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Chairman of Sudan's Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan on Monday met with ministers of foreign affairs and irrigation. During the meeting, Al-Burhan was briefed on the developments of tripartite talks among Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt on the dam as well as the reason behind the recent impasse, said the sovereign council in a statement.

Sudan signs deal on normalising ties with Israel, agrees aid deal

KHARTOUM, Jan 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Sudan signed the “Abraham Accords” paving the way to normalising ties with Israel, alongside an aid deal to access $1 billion annual World Bank financing, during an unprecedented visit by the US treasury chief.

The deals were signed less than a month after Washington removed Khartoum from its “state sponsors of terrorism” blacklist, following Sudan’s agreement to normalise ties with Israel in October.

Sudan's armed forces now in control of all its territory - foreign minister

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan’s armed forces have taken control of all of its territory, Foreign Minister Omar Gamareldin said in a press conference on Thursday, as border tensions with neighbour Ethiopia continue to flare.

Clashes have occurred in recent days over agricultural land in the al-Fashqa area which lies within Sudan’s international boundaries but has long been settled by Ethiopian farmers.

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