
Sudan imposes new controls over gold trade

01 Mar 2021; MEMO: Sudanese yesterday announced the adoption of a new plan to reform its economy based on imposing controls over smuggling gold, the New Khaleej reported.

The plan is based on five pillars, foremost of which is imposing control over gold through the Central Bank which would purchase it for the same prices it is sold in international markets.

Sudan and Ethiopia trade accusations in border conflict

KHARTOUM/ADDIS ABABA, Feb 21 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Sudan accused Ethiopia of an “unforgivable insult” in its sharpest statement since a decades-old border dispute flared late last year.

Clashes erupted between Sudanese and Ethiopian forces over Al-Fashqa, an area of fertile land settled by Ethiopian farmers that Sudan says lies on its side of a border demarcated at the start of the 20th century, which Ethiopia rejects.

Sudan's Central Bank floats currency

21 Feb 2021; MEMO: Sudan's Central Bank said Sunday it had partially floated the currency and announced a new regime to unify the official and black market exchange rates, Anadolu Agency reports.

In a statement, the bank said the "decision aims to unify and stabilize the exchange rate, transfer resources from the parallel market to the official market, and attract remittances from Sudanese working abroad through formal channels."

Sudan summons ambassador to Ethiopia for consultations -spokesman

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan has summoned its ambassador to Ethiopia for consultations over the latest developments in the ties between both countries, a spokesman for the Sudanese foreign ministry told Reuters on Wednesday.

Sudan’s foreign ministry had said on Sunday that Ethiopian forces crossed into Sudanese territory in an act of “aggression”, but the spokesman did not specify if consultations would be about that particular incident.

Sudan authorities arrest Bashir's deputy and others

12 Feb 2021; MEMO: The Sudanese security forces on Thursday carried out a campaign of arrests against former leaders of ousted President Omar Al-Bashir's regime.

The Sudanese authorities arrested former Vice President Hassabo Mohamed Abdalrahman, who also served as the political secretary of the dissolved National Congress Party (NCP).

Sudan imposes curfew in 3 states to contain protests

10 Feb 2021; MEMO: The Sudanese government declared curfew in three states in light of widespread popular protests against hard living conditions and lack of security in some areas.

Governor of North Kordofan declared a state of emergency in his region, with a 12-hour curfew starting at 6 pm, "to preserve the lives of citizens and secure properties," and closed schools until 14 February, after the escalation of violence and riots, reported the Sudanese newspaper Al-Joumhouria.

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