Middle East & North Africa

Syria-Israel complete prisoner swap, with Russia's help

19 Feb 2021; MEMO: Syria yesterday released an Israeli woman who crossed into the country after Tel Aviv returned two shepherds to Damascus-controlled territory.

The Israeli woman had entered Syria days ago, prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seek the help of Russian President Vladimir Putin to guarantee her release.

No details were given as to how or why the lady crossed into Syria.

Israel bars Palestinians from praying at Al-Aqsa Mosque

19 Feb 2021; MEMO: Israeli police on Friday prevented dozens of Palestinian residents of the occupied West Bank from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform Friday prayer, Anadolu Agency reports.

An Anadolu Agency correspondent saw Israeli police deployed in checkpoints at the entrances to the Old City in Jerusalem.

Israeli police checked the worshippers' identification cards before putting them in special buses to their homes.

Iran spokesman says Tehran confident about lifting of U.S. sanctions despite wrangling

(Reuters) - Iran believes U.S. sanctions will soon be lifted despite continuing “diplomatic wrangling” over reviving the nuclear deal, a government spokesman said on Saturday, signalling Tehran’s desire to end the impasse while not offering a new position.

Iran and the United States have been at odds over who should take the first step to revive the 2015 accord. Iran insists that the United States must first lift former President Donald Trump’s sanctions while Washington says Tehran must first return to compliance with the deal.

Russia to present Kord assault rifle with balanced mechanism abroad for first time

ABU DHABI, February 19. /TASS/: The newest Russian-made Kord assault rifle with balanced mechanism, produced by the Degtyaryov Plant will be presented at the IDEX 2021 expo in Abu Dhabi, Russia’s state arms seller Rosoboronexport press service announced Friday.

"During the presentation, the company’s specialists will disclose specifications, unique design solutions and specifics of use of the Kord assault rifles with balanced mechanism, displayed abroad for the first time," the announcement says.

Egypt opens up to oil, gas bids for 24 exploration blocks

19 Feb 2021; MEMO: Egypt is launching a global round of bids for oil and gas exploration and production across 24 blocks, the Petroleum Ministry announced yesterday.

In the official statement, the ministry said that the blocks were located in nine areas in the Mediterranean Sea, 12 in the Western Desert and three in the Gulf of Suez.

Amnesty International: Al-Khodari's health severely deteriorating

18 Feb 2021; MEMO: Amnesty International has announced that the health of former Hamas representative in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr Mohammad Al-Khodari, who has been detained there since 4 April 2019, has deteriorated due to the lack of adequate healthcare.

The organisation reported that Al-Khodari, 83, partially lost the ability to move his right hand and is currently relying on his son, who is detained with him, to feed and help him.

Syria regime bombs Idlib, breaching de-escalation deal

19 Feb 2021; MEMO: Syrian regime forces yesterday bombed a number of areas in the northwestern province of Idlib, a day after Turkey, Russia and Iran agreed to support calm in the area.

Local sources said regime forces fired heavy artillery and missile shells on the towns of Kansafra, Al-Fateera, Sufuhn, Fulayfel, Al-Ruwayjah, Benin and Al-Bara in Idlib's southern suburbs.

Hamas begins internal elections to choose a new leadership

19 Feb 2021; MEMO: Hamas will today hold the first phase of its internal elections to choose a new leadership, Anadolu reported.

A source familiar with the movement told the agency that the first phase of the internal elections will start today, after the preparatory committees have completed all the arrangements related to the elections.

Hamas holds its internal elections in three regions; the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and in the diaspora.

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