Guantanamo prisoners and the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

by Mansoor Adayfi

Despite the fact that the US routinely and openly violates the human rights of its own citizens as well as communities across the globe, Washington rarely has any qualms about condemning the violations committed by other countries. Such condemnations are almost always hypocritical, and often do more to shine light on America’s own abuses and lack of accountability. 

Israel’s red cow will blow up the region

by Dr Mohammad Makram Balawi

A report by the Hebrew Channel 12 a few days ago highlighted the repercussions of the rise of religious Zionism in Israel, its efforts to turn it into an extremist Jewish religious state, and the increasing pace of preparations for the construction of the alleged temple by the current Israeli government, the culmination of which is to accelerate the pace of the Judaisation of Jerusalem.

Cricket legend Khan may be down, but he is 'absolutely not' out

by Yvonne Ridley

Events in Pakistan these past few days have been quite astonishing and yet the treatment of its former Prime Minister Imran Khan, jailed on spurious corruption charges, has raised barely a headline beyond the foreign pages of Western newspapers. Possibly because most reporting is one-dimensional, the complexities of Pakistan's politics seem incomprehensible to most Western commentators and the British politicians who dismiss the importance of this country because it is indeed mired in corruption.

10th Arab-China Business Conference

by Anadolu Agency

The Arab-China Business Conference was launched by China in 2013 as a long-term strategy to enhance cooperation and integration between Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. It aims to upgrade infrastructure in the countries located on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), enhance connectivity between countries and facilitate trade. As China looks to build its geopolitical role in the region, having deeper economic and investment ties with the economies of the Arab countries is undoubtedly essential.

A man without a strategy: How Israel's Netanyahu is provoking armed Intifada in the West Bank

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

After signing a military decree on 18 May, allowing illegal Israeli Jewish settlers to reclaim the abandoned Homesh settlement located in the northern Occupied West Bank, the Israeli government has informed the US Biden Administration that it will not turn the area into a new settlement.

Shielding Israel from criticism is not part of US strategy for combating anti-Semitism

by Nasim Ahmed

Supporters of Israel advocating for the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism have suffered a major blow in their ongoing effort to shield the apartheid state from criticism, following the release of a strategy document by the White House detailing its plan to combat the rise of anti-Jewish racism.

Russia gold shipments to the UAE, China and Turkiye

by Reuters

The United Arab Emirates has become a key trade hub for Russian gold since Western sanctions over Ukraine cut Russia's more traditional export routes, Russian customs records show.

The records, which contain details of nearly a thousand gold shipments between 24 February,  2022 and 3 March this year, reveal the names of over 100 non-Russian companies that have handled Russian gold since Western markets banned imports from Moscow.

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