Xi's 'Chilling' Remarks: A Multipolar World Offers Challenges and Opportunities to the Middle East and Africa

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

The final exchange, caught on camera between visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian host and counterpart, Vladimir Putin, sums up the current geopolitical conflict, still in its nascent stages, between the United States and its Western allies on the one hand, and Russia, China and their allies, on the other.

The politicisation of the International Criminal Court

by Muhammad Jamil

It was a difficult labour for the International Criminal Court (ICC), which came to life in July 1998. Following the First and Second World Wars, projects to establish a permanent criminal court to eliminate the state of widespread impunity were set up. However, some countries which feared the prosecution of their officials stood against such a body, and the struggle continued until it was finally established.

Unpunished and unrepentant: the war criminals who get away with murder

by Yvonne Ridley

When the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W Bush flouted international law and unleashed Shock and Awe on Iraq in March 2003, the attack and invasion had unintended consequences which could probably lead us directly to the equally illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia's Vladimir Putin in February last year.

Turkey: Aksener's weekend split from the opposition alliance leaves it damaged

by Motasem A Dalloul

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expecting to face fierce competition in the presidential election scheduled to take place on 14 May, because the strong opposition front formed by six parties in February last year announced in August that it would be running a joint presidential candidate.

Is Saudi Arabia preparing for the collapse of the petrodollar and US dollar dominance?

by Muhammad Hussein

One of the most illusory phenomena in our current existence is the money we use for buying, selling and hoarding on a daily basis. It is, to put it simply, in the air, backed up by nothing and reliant on nothing, yet at the same time highly delicate and sensitive to geopolitical and monetary shifts.

'Play therapy' essential for children who suffered trauma from twin quakes

by Anadolu Agency

Defne, 9, cannot forget the earthquakes in Turkiye. She failed to hold back her tears when she spoke to a news reporter of a private news channel about it.

"Here they distribute toys, they distribute everything … they help children, sad children, over there … But I can't forget … the earthquake … I'm trembling with fear," the young girl from the country's southern province of Hatay said, her voice quivering, before she burst into tears.

When opportunists seek political gains in Turkey from humanitarian disasters

by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

The repercussions of the major earthquake that hit Turkiye and Syria early this month are still with us. The sadness still haunts us. Every day, we hear tragic stories that break our hearts and bring tears to our eyes. Thousands of corpses are still under the rubble, and thousands of families are still without shelter.

I am not Charlie: Satire and dehumanization of Türkiye earthquake victims

by Farid Hafez

Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine that has sparked major controversies over republishing cartoons insulting the Muslim Prophet Muhammad but has received huge waves of solidarity after becoming a victim of an attack that left 12 people dead, has posted a cartoon that has rightly received major critique.

A month's notice: Why Burkina Faso ordered French troops out of the country

by Dr Ramzy Baroud

Though it was clear that Burkina Faso was eventually going to follow in the footsteps of Mali and the Central African Republic (CAR), Ouagadougou's decision to break military ties with France was not as simple as media sound bites want us to believe.

Activist mother flees Sweden after authorities pursue her children

by Mehmet Solmaz

Zeinab Ltaif, a mother of six children, was actively participating in protests against Sweden’s social services before she fled the country with her children. One year on, the family, who has stayed in four countries since, is still looking for a place to call home.

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