
Sudan, Ethiopia reject Egypt’s globalisation of Renaissance Dam dispute

09 Mar 2020; MEMO: A senior Sudanese official said yesterday that Khartoum agrees with Ethiopia in rejecting Egypt’s threats to internationalise the dispute over the Renaissance Dam that Addis Ababa is building.

Secretary-General of the Sudanese Energy, Mining, Electricity and Regulation Authority, Tijjani Adam, said Khartoum completely rejects the internationalisation of the Renaissance Dam issue, stressing that internationalising the dispute will not benefit the countries concerned.

Sudan's information minister: 'terror attempts' to be dealt with decisively

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan’s information minister Faisal Salih said on Monday that “terror attempts” and the dismantling of the old regime were matters that would be dealt with decisively, in the first official remarks after an attempted assassination of the prime minister.

“The prime minister’s convoy was targeted in a terrorist attack as he was heading to work,” Salih said.

“Terrorist attempts and dismantling the old regime will be dealt with decisively,” he added.

Salih said investigations are ongoing to determine who was behind the attack.

Sudan fires over 100 diplomats allegedly linked to Bashir

01 Mar 2020; MEMO: Sudan has fired scores of diplomats for alleged links to the administration of toppled President Omar al-Bashir, a legal committee said on Saturday, reported Reuters.

The Empowerment Removal Committee was formed under a law introduced in November to dismantle the system built by Bashir, who was ousted in April last year after nearly three decades in power.

Sudan, Germany reiterate willingness to enhance bilateral ties

KHARTOUM, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- Sudan and Germany on Thursday voiced willingness to enhance bilateral ties.

Chairman of Sudan's Sovereign Council Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan held talks at the Presidential Palace with visiting German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Speaking to reporters after the talks, Al-Burhan hailed the support offered by Germany and the European Union to help Sudan overcome current challenges.

ICC trial in The Hague one option for Sudan's Bashir: minister

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan could send former leader Omar al-Bashir and other suspects to The Hague for trial before the International Criminal Court, but any decision would need approval from military and civilian rulers, the information minister said on Monday.

Sudanese authorities said last week that they had agreed for Bashir and three other suspects to appear before the ICC, without giving details of how this could happen.

Fuel shortages put squeeze on Sudan's transitional government

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Fuel shortages have left motorists in Sudan skipping work to queue for petrol and forced the transitional government to introduce a rationing system as it tries to manage acute economic pressures.

Some people have been spending entire days in queues that stretch for several km (miles) since the fuel crisis began late last week. Coming on top of bread shortages it has piled more pressure on a government struggling to deliver improvements after the overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir last April.

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