
UAE-backed militants in Aden steal medical aid sent by WHO

31 Mar 2020; MEMO: Militants loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Yemen are reported to have stormed into the southern port of Aden and stolen medical aid donated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as part of a package to help deal with the coronavirus pandemic. A source in the Yemeni Ministry of Health said that gunmen stole nine ambulances provided by the WHO.

2 Yemeni ministers resign from cabinet

ADEN, Yemen, March 28 (Xinhua) -- The Saudi-backed Yemeni government's two ministers on Saturday submitted resignations to the Yemen's President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Yemeni Minister of Transportation Saleh Jubwani and Minister of Civil Services Nabil Faqih submitted their resignations to protest against the performance of the country's Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik, said official statements released by their offices.

On Thursday, the Yemeni prime minster issued a decision to suspend Jubwani from his work over serious violations.

WHO airlifts COVID-19 testing kits in aid to war-torn Yemen

SANAA, March 24 (NNN-XINHUA) — The World Health Organization (WHO) airlifted COVID-19 testing kits and personal protective items for health workers to the war-ravaged Yemen, the UN aid agency said Monday on Twitter.

The shipment included lab screening tests and trauma medicine provided to the health authorities in the government-controlled southern port city of Aden and the Houthi-held capital Sanaa, it said, adding that the shipment aid was airlifted by Saudi Arabia.

Yemeni Government Forces Capture 20 Houthis

ADEN, Mar 23 (NNN-SABA) – Yemen’s government forces declared that, nearly 20 members of the Houthi rebel group were captured, during battles near the northeastern province of Marib.

According to a statement, government forces aborted an attempt by the Houthis, aimed at advancing into the western part of oil-rich Marib.

Groups of Houthi fighters tried to infiltrate into a military position, located in the western part of Marib, but the government forces clashed with the rebels and besieged them in the area, the statement said.

Yemeni gov't forces declare capturing 20 Houthis

ADEN, Yemen, March 22 (Xinhua) -- Yemen's government forces declared on Sunday that nearly 20 members of the Houthi rebel group were captured during battles near the northeastern province of Marib.

According to a statement released by the state-run Saba News Agency, the government forces aborted an attempt by the Houthi rebels aimed at advancing into the western part of the oil-rich Marib province.

Yemen security forces seize weapons onboard UAE aid ship

18 Mar 2020; MEMO: Yemeni security services in Socotra have seized an Emirati humanitarian ship carrying weapons and armoured vehicles, local sources said.

According to the sources, the “aid” ship belonged to the Khalifa Foundation for Humanitarian Affairs which is run by the UAE delegate in Socotra, Brigadier Khalfan Al-Mazroui.

Roadside bombing kills 2 Yemeni children

ADEN, Yemen, March 16 (Xinhua) -- An explosion caused by a roadside bomb killed two children in Yemen's southern province of Dhalea on Monday, a security official told Xinhua.

"An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded and targeted a motorcycle carrying two 13-year-old children near the district of Qataba," a local security official said on condition of anonymity.

The IED explosion destroyed the motorcycle and instantly left the children killed at the scene, the source said.

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