
UN envoy: Saudi airstrikes in Yemen down 80% in 2 weeks

23 Nov 2019; MEMO: The Saudi-led coalition’s airstrikes in Yemen have dramatically fallen over the course of the past two weeks after the country’s Houthi rebels offered to halt cross-border attacks, the UN envoy for the war-struck country said Friday, Anadolu Agency reports.

Martin Griffiths told the Security Council via video link from his Amman, Jordan office that Saudi airstrikes have plummeted by some 80% since the Houthis made the offer.

Yemeni Houthis Will Release Seized Ship If It Belongs To South Korea

SANAA, Nov 19 (NNN-SABA) – Yemen’s Houthi rebels said, they will release captured vessel, if it belongs to South Korea, but after legal procedures.

“Our forces are inspecting the seized ship, to make sure it belongs to the countries of aggression (Saudi-led coalition) or to South Korea … we will release the ship along with its crew, if it belongs to South Korea,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, head of the Houthi revolutionary committee, said on Twitter.

US envoy to Yemen: We are ready to support Riyadh Agreement

13 Nov 2019; MEMO: The US is ready to support the Riyadh Agreement signed between the internationally backed Yemen government and UAE-backed separatist Southern Transitional Council, US Ambassador to Yemen Christopher Henzel said yesterday.

This came in a meeting held in the Saudi capital between the US Ambassador and the Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed.

Houthis Say Over 4,000 Sudanese Soldiers Killed In Yemen War Since 2015

SANAA, Nov 3 (NNN-SABA) – At least 4,000 Sudanese soldiers have been killed in Yemen since 2015, as part of the the Saudi-led coalition, fighting against the Houthi rebels, a Houthi military spokesman said.

“The coalition pushes Sudanese soldiers to the front-lines in Yemen, where they come face to face with our forces,” Yahya Sarea said.

“Our forces have captured hundreds of Sudanese soldiers during battles,” Sarea noted, as al-Masirah broadcast footage showed a long line of what the Yemeni rebels said were captured Sudanese soldiers.

Gunmen blow up oil pipeline in southeastern Yemen

ADEN, Yemen, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- Unidentified gunmen early on Sunday blew up a pipeline for transporting crude oil to an exporting port in Yemen's southeastern province of Shabwa, a government official told Xinhua.

The explosion, which occurred for the second time in less than a month, targeted the crude oil pipeline in Rawdah district in the east of Shabwa, the local government official said on condition of anonymity.

Yemeni Gov’t, Southern Authority Reach Power-Sharing Deal

ADEN, Oct 26 (NNN-SABA) – The Saudi-backed Yemeni government, reached a power-sharing deal with the Southern Transitional Council (STC), following several weeks of indirect talks between the two sides, in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah, local sources said.

A Yemeni government source said, “A deal, which includes forming a power-sharing government, has been reached between the government and the STC, under the auspices of Saudi Arabia.”

Yemen's gov't, southern authority reach power-sharing deal

ADEN, Yemen, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- The Saudi-backed Yemeni government reached a power-sharing deal with the Southern Transitional Council (STC) following several weeks of indirect talks between the two sides in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah, local sources said on Friday.

A source of Yemen's government told Xinhua that "a deal which includes forming a power-sharing government has been reached between the government and the STC under the auspices of Saudi Arabia."

UN mission in Yemen's Hodeidah builds control points to monitor cease-fire

SANAA, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- A UN cease-fire monitoring mission in Yemen's Hodeidah on Sunday began establishing control points to monitor a truce between Yemeni warring parties, a security source in the city said.

The temporary control points would be set up on four front lines in the east and south of the city to prevent escalation between the government forces and the Houthi rebels, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

Nobel Peace laureate: Yemenis will end Saudi Arabia, UAE ‘occupations’

17 Oct 2019; MEMO: Yemen’s Nobel Peace Laureate activist Tawakkol Karman has said her country has almost succeeded in forcing out what she called the “Emirati occupation”, and it remains determined to do the same with Saudi Arabia.

The solution to the country’s crisis, she explained, lies in “getting rid of the Saudi tutelage” and “expelling it” from the country.

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