
Yemen's president says military needs to be on high alert following attack

ADEN (Reuters) - Yemen’s president told the military on Sunday it needs to be on high alert and ready for battle following an attack on Saturday by Iran-aligned Houthis on a military training camp in the city of Marib.

The attack “confirms without doubt that the Houthis have no desire for peace”, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi said, in a statement on Yemen’s state news agency SABA.

The Houthis did not immediately claim responsibility for Saturday’s attack.

UAE-backed Yemen group, Hadi government complete prisoner swap

15 Jan 2019; MEMO: The President of the Yemeni Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidarus Al-Zoubaidi, yesterday received a number of STC prisoners who had been released under the peace deal signed in Saudi Arabia, the Anadolu Agency reported.

Earlier on Saturday, the Yemeni government handed over 29 prisoners affiliated with the opposition STC to the commander of the Arab coalition forces in the city of Shabwah, Anadolu quoted a local source as saying.

Displaced and scared: Yemenis still in limbo after almost five years of war

KHAMIR, Yemen (Reuters) - Widow Samirah Nasser and her eight children tried to return to their Yemeni village but were forced by relentless air strikes to return to the relative safety of a refugee camp.

Shivering through yet another camp winter, she is one of 3.6 million Yemenis - around 12% of the population - displaced during a nearly five-year war that has spawned what the United Nations says is the world’s most urgent humanitarian crisis.

French arms killed dozens of Yemenis, say Houthi rebels

26 Dec 2019; MEMO: Yemen’s Houthis accused France on Wednesday of providing arms and logistics to the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia fighting the rebel group in the war-ravaged country, Anadolu reports.

“France has killed and injured more than 38 Yemenis by artillery shelling in Al-Raqou market in Manbeh border district in Saada governorate,” Mohamed Al-Houthi, a top Houthi rebel tweeted.

He added that the the French legal system was turning a blind eye to these attacks.

17 Killed In Saudi-Led Artillery Attack On Northern Yemeni Border Market

SANAA, Dec 25 (NNN-SABA) – At least 17 people were killed on Tuesday, in a Saudi-led coalition artillery attack on a popular border market in Yemen’s northern province of Saada, medics and local residents said.

“Twelve Ethiopian migrants were among those killed in the cross-border shelling at Al-Raqu market,” two medics and a local resident at the scene said.

The attack also injured over 15 others, the sources said.

There was no immediate comment from the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition, which has been engaging in the Yemeni conflict since 2015.

8 die from H1N1 flu in Yemen's capital

SANAA, Dec. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Yemeni public health authorities said in a statement that eight Yemenis died from the H1N1 flu in Sanaa in the past weeks, a local media outlet reported Monday.

The suspected H1N1 flu cases have reached 1,600 in several northern provinces since November, the Houthi-controlled Althawranews website quoted the statement as saying.

The rise in suspected cases was attributed to the low temperatures, it added.

Riyadh Agreement: The start of a peace process or the beginning of a new war?

14 Dec 2019; MEMO: At the beginning of November, warring parties from Yemen’s south reached a power-sharing deal which aimed not only to defuse tensions among Arab alliances in South Yemen but was also seen to as a step closer towards ending the war in the country.

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